
Happy New Year + How to Stay Motivated

Hi all and Happy 2025. I hope all of you had a great Christmas, holiday season and New year. I took some time off to spend with my family, play some...

Podcast Episode 19: How to Stay Motivated with Your Photography

Staying motivated with any activity can be hard sometimes, especially when it's not going as well as you wanted. In this episode, Blake Rudis and...

Discussing the Adobe Pricing Changes

Hi all. I've got a couple of videos to share if you want to learn more about the Adobe Pricing Changes. Before you dive in to them, let me reiterate...
Who Put That Leaf On My Head?

Who Put That Leaf On My Head?

Hi everyone. I just returned from my Costa Rica Workshop. I had a wonderful group of people. Several returning workshop attendees which is always nice to see, and some fantastic new people I got to meet as well. And we had the best abundance of wildlife I've seen...

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Breakfast on the Go (and a tight crop)

Breakfast on the Go (and a tight crop)

I've visited Ft. Desoto Beach ,here in the Tampa area, a number of times this spring. Once you shoot there a time or two, you start to change your expectations. At first, you're just happy to get a nice photo of a Snowy Egret flying. They don't fly really fast, so...

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Adobe Listened! The Old “Save As” is Back

A few weeks ago I released a video talking about some changes to the way we "Save As" in Photoshop. This was specifically for people who opened a photo in to Photoshop, and wanted to save, say, a JPG. It wasn't really anything directed toward a Lightroom > Photoshop...

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Should You Shoot Wide Open?

Should You Shoot Wide Open?

I was teaching a webinar the other evening and I got a question that prompted me to write this post. Now, I've actually gotten this question many times before, but this is the first I'm writing about it. See, during the webinar I had mentioned that I "mostly"...

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Some Privacy Please!

Some Privacy Please!

I was out for a walk on the beach at sunset a while back and came across some Royal Terns just hanging out. I stopped for a few minutes and realized I was in a really bad spot for photographing them since the sun was almost in my face, or just off to the side of it....

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I Feel Like a Sitting Duck

I Feel Like a Sitting Duck

So which photo do you like best? The sitting duck or the flying duck? Back in April I was out on a lake with DV Wildlife Tours, and we saw some Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks in early morning warm light. The conditions were almost perfect. Sun at our back, wind at our...

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Ooooooo, or Ewe? Osprey on the Beach

Ooooooo, or Ewe? Osprey on the Beach

Last year I happened to see an Osprey catch a fish on the beach and then land on the beach to start eating it. At the time, I hadn't seen this happen before. Usually, they catch the fish and bring them high up on a building or tree before they settle down with it. But...

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Success! Well… Kind Of

Success! Well… Kind Of

If you read the other day's post (You Have to Start Somewhere), you saw that I posted a photo from an outing on my kayak. I was really trying to get a nice Spoony in flight, but that didn't happen. Well, I didn't get back until 9pm that night. And in spite of the fact...

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Where Did Save As JPG Go in Photoshop

Where Did Save As JPG Go in Photoshop

Really quick... I forgot to mention in the email that I posted some photos from my Eagle photography trip last week. Click here to see them. UPDATE: I found out that Apple made a change to their OS which required Adobe to make this change. So if you're wondering why...

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Amazing Eagle Photography with the Sony Alpha 1

Amazing Eagle Photography with the Sony Alpha 1

Hi all. I just got back from a trip to Washington state for some amazing eagle photography and I wanted to share some of the story and photos. Planning the Trip A couple of months ago, my buddy Blake Rudis (f64academy.com) and I were talking about taking a photo trip....

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You Have to Start Somewhere

You Have to Start Somewhere

I've had this idea for some time now. Sort of starting a journal in to my bird and wildlife photography. While it may seem sudden to some of you that I've been doing this type of photography, it's actually been about 5-6 years now - my first trip to Costa Rica in 2016...

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