What’s New in Lightroom Classic (June 2020 Update)
It's that time again. Every few months Adobe does what they call a "dot" update to many of their products and Lightroom is usually one of them. These aren't the BIG updates that come every fall, but they usually sneak a cool feature or two in to them and this release...
10 Photoshop Tips You Need to Know
Photoshop is such a powerful program. But along with that power comes some complexity, and that really holds true when you find out all of the little tips and tricks we have available in such a big program. In today's video, I'm sharing 10 Photoshop Tips and Tricks...
Do You Really Need the Histogram?
In just about every live class I do, I'll get asked why I don't use the Histogram to edit with in Lightroom. It's not that I don't feel the information in the histogram is useful. Some (not all) of it is. But it's more about the fact that the information that is...
Join the Texture Blending Challenge
Hi everyone. To help celebrate my new course on Texture Blending, I'm opening up a texture blending challenge this week. This is a FREE photo challenge where you can enter as many images as you'd like. In fact, I'll be doing videos throughout the week where I review...
Picking the Right Photos for Texture Blending
As I get ready to release my Wildlife Texture Blending course next week, I wanted to get you thinking about what types of photos work well for this type of technique. Much like many Photoshop techniques, your success can depend on the photo you choose. Replacing a...
Get the Most from Adobe #10: Adobe Fonts
I don't promise many things but I bet the first 45 seconds of this video shows you a feature in Photoshop you never knew was there (okay, I only bet this to most of you...) 🙂 Also, continuing with the "How to get the most from Adobe" series, we're going to take a...
Get the Most from Adobe #9: Sync Lightroom Presets to Your Phone
Continuing on with the series of getting the most from your Adobe subscription, we're going to see how you can sync any presets or Lightroom Profiles you have, from Lightroom classic over to your phone or tablet. https://youtu.be/b6inpREFnzw
Get the Most From Adobe #8: Adobe Capture
You may (or may not have) noticed that in each of these "Get the Most" videos I'm flip flopping between a photography feature and an overall creative feature. This time around we're going to take a look at Adobe Capture. This is yes another app you get for free as...
Get the Most From Adobe #7: Use AI to Search Photos
In the next video in the "Get the Most From Adobe" series, we'll take a look at some pretty amazing technology. The only catch is this only works in the "cloud" version of Lightroom (Not Classic), or either of the apps on your phone/tablet. Essentially, Adobe's AI...
Get the Most From Adobe #6: Online Photo Stories with Adobe Express
Continuing on with the How to get the most from Adobe series, we're moving on to a very little known online application called Adobe Spark (Update 9/2022: Adobe has changed this to Adobe Express). Spark is an online creator for images, graphics, social media graphics...
Get the Most from Adobe #5: Transfer Lightroom Desktop Photos to Your Phone
In a previous video I showed how to get your (favorite) Lightroom Classic photos to online galleries and portfolios. But what if you wanted to have them on your phone too. As they say... there's an app for that! Adobe has an app for the phone that will automatically...
Get the Most From Adobe #4: Photoshop Libraries (not as boring as it sounds)
I promise you this feature isn't as boring as it sounds. Photoshop Libraries (and the corresponding Libraries Panel) can be a big help when it comes to organizing some of your commonly used images, graphics, textures, photos, etc... What's really nice is that they...