My Best Photos of 2018
At the end of every year, I always enjoy going through my photos and picking some of my favorites. It's a fun exercise. And I inevitably end up finding some photos that I may not have thought much of at the time, but I really like now. If you haven't already, I...

A Huge (But Simple) Practice To Help Your Photography and Editing
I was thinking about some of the things I'm putting in my new Photography Fresh Start programĀ (sorry, registration is closed) and I wanted to share this story with you. I think it'll resonate with many of you. If you're anything like me, you're busy - and sometimes,...
What’s New in Lightroom 8.1 (December 2018 Update)
If you want to know what's new in Lightroom 8.1 and the December 2018 update, here's a quick 6 minute video that goes over the new features like customizing the order of your Lightroom Develop panels, preset changes, collections on Auto Import of photos, and a Photo...

The Missing Ingredient in Your Photo Editing?
I just finished up a landscape editing course for ON1 and it got me thinking after seeing some questions I've gotten recently. See, I've really tried to include more of the "why" in my tutorials lately. Rather than just show you "how" something is done, I think...

2019 Lightroom Calendar Templates
By popular demand, I've created some 2019 Lightroom Calendar templates. There's a how to video included in the download. Click Here to Download Hope you enjoy!

Quick Lightroom Brush Tip
Here's a little known Lightroom Brush Tip for changing a bunch of settings with just one slider. https://youtu.be/2TR6QPmceLc

Quick way to save a JPEG from Photoshop
Quick Tip for you on how to save a JPEG from Photoshop https://youtu.be/A4Ml4zCuBeI

Photoshop Landscape Photo Size Trick
In this video we'll use one of my favorite techniques in Photoshop for adding a little bit of size and scale to areas of your photo, especially wide angle landscapes photography where big elements can tend to look smaller. https://youtu.be/IBqKBZrH4iU

Introducing The New Lumecube Air
A couple of years ago I found Lumecube lights. These little portable mini lights that have become a fixed item I pack in my camera bag for just about every trip. Recently they released a new version called the Lumecube Air which addressed several usability things (not...

What’s New in ON1 Photo Raw 2019
Holding true to tradition as they do each fall, ON1 just released ON1 Photo Raw 2019. This is a paid update (or free for ON1 Plus members), and packs a bunch of new features which I'll go over in the video below. Also, if you're purchased my ON1 Photo System, updates...

Free Webinar: Fall Photo Makeover
One of the most popular webinars I held last year was my free Fall Photo Makeover. This was a live online event where you submitted your own photos ahead of time and I edited (some of them) live in the webinar. It was a great opportunity to see a lot of different...

Boosting Fall Colors in Lightroom, Photoshop and ON1
Hi all. I just released a couple of new videos with some techniques I use on boosting Fall Colors. Honestly though, these techniques will work great for overall color improvement in your photos so don't limit them to just fall photos. But they're some of my favorite...