
Happy New Year + How to Stay Motivated

Hi all and Happy 2025. I hope all of you had a great Christmas, holiday season and New year. I took some time off to spend with my family, play some...

Podcast Episode 19: How to Stay Motivated with Your Photography

Staying motivated with any activity can be hard sometimes, especially when it's not going as well as you wanted. In this episode, Blake Rudis and...

Discussing the Adobe Pricing Changes

Hi all. I've got a couple of videos to share if you want to learn more about the Adobe Pricing Changes. Before you dive in to them, let me reiterate...

Spray and Pray Wildlife Photography (Episode 12)

In this episode Matt is joined by renowned wildlife photographer and photo educator expert, Steve Perry (Back Country Gallery). Steve and Matt discuss the aspects of high frame rate and continuous shooting of wildlife interactions... or as some people call it "Spray...

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My Thoughts on the Sony a9iii for Wildlife Photography

Back in November when the Sony a9 iii was first announced I had the chance to attend the launch event in New York and even got to spend an entire day shooting the camera in a space with a lot of action sports happening, so we could really test it. While the shooting...

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Adding Light and Mood and Blur to a Dark Photo

Adding Light and Mood and Blur to a Dark Photo

Welcome back to another Photo Makeover. This week I'm using a photo submitted by Ken McClure (thanks Ken!). The photo presents a great opportunity to add some light to it as well as use the (recently) new Lens Blur adjustment. Enjoy! Find out more about Matt's...

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Selling Your Camera Gear (Podcast Episode 11)

Episode 11 Topic – Selling Your Camera Gear In Episode 11, Matt and Brian Matiash talk about selling your photography gear. We all like to upgrade from time to time and unfortunately the longer you keep your old cameras and lenses the less valuable they become. In...

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What Would I Do If I Started Photography Over Again

Episode 10 Topic – What Would We Do Different If We Started Photography Over Again Today? In Episode 10, Blake Rudis joins me again. This week, we chat about what we would do if we started photography over again today. How to Listen/Watch You can listen to the podcast...

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My Favorite Photos of 2023

My Favorite Photos of 2023

Happy New Year to all of you. I hope you had a great Christmas, New Year and holiday season. It was a bit busy around here. My oldest son graduated from University of Florida the week before Christmas, so we had a lot of family get togethers and parties along the way....

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FAQ on Lightroom

Here's an FAQ on a lot of questions I've been getting. Also, the video below is just a video version of it. They both contain the same questions. Thanks! https://vimeo.com/892939814?share=copy Q. Adobe seems to be pushing us to the cloud. Is that right? A. Not sure...

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I Screwed Up Yesterday

Hi all. I woke up today and had a realization about my email yesterday.  I totally screwed up!  See, I sent out an email with a pretty bold message about saying goodbye to Lightroom Classic. But in the same email I talked about a mini course I had about...

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Lightroom Myths and Misconceptions

Hey there! I just released Episode 9 of my Frame of Mind Photography Podcast. Episode 8 Topic – Is Photography an Art or Not? In Episode 9, Brian Matiash joins me once again. This week, we chat about misconceptions and myths around Adobe Lightroom (not Classic). How...

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Please Take a Breath on This Whole Lightroom Thing

A couple of weeks ago, Brian Matiash and I recorded a podcast where we talked about the future of Lightroom Classic. In that podcast, Brian said he thought it would go away within 5 years. I said, I thought we'd be fine for at least another 7-10 years. Brian is a good...

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