Why You Need To Print Your Photography
As a photographer you probably hear over and over again about how you need to print your work. How there's nothing like holding a print, etc... And I've heard people get very preachy about it. Don't get me wrong. There is indeed nothing like holding a print. But my...

The Secret to Photographing Beaches/Waves
I'll often get the question about what's the best shutter speed to capture moving water/waves on a beach. Do you want a longer shutter speed or a shorter one? I always hate the answer I'm about to give you, but I'm going to say it anyway. It depends (don't worry, I...

The Story Behind the Photo: Flåm Reflections in Norway
It's funny how things work out. On my recent trip to Norway, I stayed in a little town called Flåm. It was this picturesque town right along the water. You could walk through it in about 5-10 minutes. In fact, here's a photo of Flåm while I was looking back at it from...

My Induction Into The Photoshop Hall Of Fame
Last week at Photoshop World I had the honor of being inducted in to the official Photoshop Hall of Fame. Rather than rewriting here, what was probably a way too long speech, I wanted to just cut to the chase and let all of you know what I'm most thankful for when it...
WPPI On The Road LV Video
Here's a link to download the WPPI video. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23199811/WPPI_lv.mp4 Enjoy! 🙂

A Photographer’s Need To Be Different
Picture this. You wake up at 4am... head out to Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park for the first time to catch a sunrise photo shoot. You've seen the beautiful photos of Mesa Arch so you know what type of photo to expect (there's many at 500px.com). You also know...

Should Your Web Portfolio Look Like Everyone Else’s?
Last week on our weekly talk show, The Grid, Scott and I (along with our guest Colby Brown) did an entire show on website portfolio critiques. It was a little bit different from the photo critiques we usually do because we didn't talk about the photos, but rather the...

An Evening Photographing Zion, And A Quick Sony Alpha a99 Review
On my last trip to Las Vegas I wanted to get out and shoot. I've been to many of the places around Vegas and I really wanted to shoot something cool. I knew that Zion National Park was about a 2.5 hour drive, so I made plans to spend a night there. I figured I could...

No Time To Get Organized in Lightroom? Then Don’t!
Hey everyone. I posted this over on my Lightroom blog today, but it's something that I really think can help some people out there so I decided to cross-post it here (not to mention that I've been really busy this week so it was a quick way to get both blogs taken...

Using Live View To Focus Your Camera
I gotta tell ya. One year ago I barely used Live View to manually focus on my camera. Today, I can't live without it (Note: I'm mainly talking about photos taken while on a tripod). It's one of those things that's become so important when it comes to sharpness in my...

The Story Behind The Photo – Mt. Hood
I got some great feedback from the photo I posted the other week with the Nikon 18-35mm lens, so I thought I'd talk a little about the story behind the photo. On my last trip out west, I knew I'd be near Portland, OR. I love that area so I'm always looking for places...

How A Polarizing Filter Saved My Landscape Photo
On my recent landscape photography trip to Washington state (here's my post and some photos) and the Palouse area, we made a stop along the side of the road to photograph some canola fields. If you've never seen these fields in person, it's amazing. They look like...