Lightroom Presets – Adding a Sunflare Effect With a Brush
There's some pretty cool possibilities for creating presets with the Adjustment Brush in Lightroom. This week I have 3 presets that create a sunflare effect that you can brush on to your photos. It's a little different from the normal Develop module presets, but I...
My Favorite Photography Lenses
If you're looking for some weekend viewing then I've got two shows you've got to see if you're a photographer. A few months ago, RC Concepcion and I did a series of photography shows on DTown TV on our favorite lenses. We went over lenses for portraits, landscapes,...
Sunset on Baker Beach
A Quick Tutorial On the Changes to My Boston Photo
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a photo I took while in Boston. It got a lot of great feedback, but there was one thing that I didn't like in the photo (and it was confirmed by some comments here on the blog). At first, I was kinda lazy and thought it would be a pain...
What You Need to Know About the MacBook Pro Rentina Display for Photoshop, Lightroom And Photographers
One of the questions I've been getting asked a TON lately is about the new MacBook Pros with Retina display and how they work for Photoshop, Lightroom and for photographers in general. Well, I've been kicking the tires on one for about a week now, so I thought I'd...
How I Got The Shot
I always find it's a lot of fun to write (and read) about how people got a certain photo. To me, sometimes the stories behind the photo are sometimes just as interesting as the photo itself. A few weeks ago, Chris Gampat (who runs a blog over at B&H Photo) contacted...
Lightroom Video: Getting the Most Out of Camera Profile Presets
Last week, I posted some of my Lightroom presets for the camera profiles that you find in the Camera Calibration panel in Lightroom. After I started reading through the questions and comments I realized that a lot of people didn't know one of the huge benefits of...
Why I’m Saying Goodbye To My Favorite Landscape Photo Lens (and my new fav)?
We're through! Yup, I'm done with my revered Nikon 14-24mm lens for now. Everyone loves this lens and it definitely has served me well over the years, but I'm moving on. I've been thinking about the Nikon 16-35mm lens for a while now so rented one from
From Start to Finish: How to Get More Accurate Color From Your Images
A while back B&H Photo invited me (and others) to give my thoughts on getting better and more accurate color in your photos. The article is called "From Start to Finish: How to Get More Accurate Color From Your Images". It's definitely worth a read if you haven't seen...
Lightroom 4 Presets: Camera Calibration Profiles
I'm heading up to steamy hot New Jersey for a mini-vacation with the family this week. And I thought Florida was hot!? I must have forgotten how bad summers can be here growing up. Look for me at Six Flags, the boardwalk, or Stuff Yer Face in New Brunswick 😉 Anyway,...
A Long Exposure Photo From Boston
It's late and I just landed in Houston for my Lightroom seminar later this morning. Having finished the same seminar yesterday in Boston (Thanks! You guys were awesome!), I thought I'd share one of the photos I took while there (click the photo above to see it...
Why I Have a New Blog?
Hey everyone. I've had a few people notice that my website ( recently went from just a portfolio site to a blog too. Since I already run a blog over at I thought I'd take a quick minute to write a little about why I did this....