Hundreds of thousands of photographers use a logo and watermark on their photos. In the digital era we live in, it’s a way of putting your own unique name and signature on your photos.
Want yours to look beautiful, unique and stand out? This toolkit will help you get there. To start with, you’ll get over 40 templates / fonts that you can use for your name and tagline, along with ideas on how to customize letters and names in ways you never knew were even possible in Photoshop!
When you combine that, with the ideas you’ll get for adding boxes and other elements to the logo / watermark you’ll end up with 100’s if not 1000’s of possibilities that will ensure your mark on your photos is unique and reflects your personality and style. If you’re the type that likes to do it yourself, to dig in and really craft something that’s your own, then the Photographers Logo and Watermark Toolkit is for you.
Software Required: I suggest the subscription version of Photoshop and Lightroom for this toolkit/course to make use of all of the fonts mentioned that come with Adobe.