What’s New in Lightroom 10.3 (June 2021 Update)
Adobe just released a new update for Lightroom today. It's one of the smaller "dot" updates which typically includes performance changes and camera updates. But they also snuck in the Super Resolution feature that we saw in Photoshop a few months ago. I did a quick...
Where Did Save As JPG Go in Photoshop
Really quick... I forgot to mention in the email that I posted some photos from my Eagle photography trip last week. Click here to see them. UPDATE: I found out that Apple made a change to their OS which required Adobe to make this change. So if you're wondering why...
What’s New in ON1 Photo Raw 2021.5
Every year around this time, ON1 Photo Raw gets a big "dot 5" update which is free for existing users of that version. So I thought I'd take a few minutes to give you a quick overview of what's new. As always, for more details information check out the ON1 website for...
Follow On My Switch to Topaz DeNoise and Sharpen
A couple of weeks ago I released a video called "I was wrong" (about my Noise Reduction and Sharpening workflow). In the video I explained my photography evolution from landscapes to wildlife and how I was always telling people I don't use noise reduction or...
I was wrong about noise reduction and sharpening
In this video I go over why I was wrong about noise reduction and sharpening tools, especially when you combine them with your wildlife photography. I'll go over some ways that I used to work and then mention the tools that I do use. Also, if you choose to purchase...
Solved! My Photo Opens in the Wrong App
This video is just as much of a public service announcement as it is a quick tutorial. I often hear from people who say their photos open in the wrong application. This quick video will help you fix that. https://youtu.be/nKieZc8hf-4
Practical Joke… Or Practical Tips?
Today is known as April Fool's Day in many areas so I thought we could have a little fun with some practical jokes in Photoshop and Lightroom, but at the same time you'll learn a few tips and tricks you can use in your everyday photo editing....
How to Batch Apply Presets in Lightroom Classic
Hi. Lightroom has a number of ways to apply presets. But a popular question I get is how do I apply presets to multiple photos at once. In this video we'll look at 3 ways to Batch apply presets across many photos at once. Enjoy! Click here to download the free sample...
What’s New in the Photoshop March 2021 Update
Hi everyone. Adobe released a small "March 2021" update to Photoshop today so I wanted to give you a quick review of what they added. Also, here are some links mentioned in the video: For more info on Enhance Details:...
Get Through 1500 Photos in 15 Minutes
Hi everyone! This week I've got something a little difference. I recently had to get through over 1500 photos and filter them down to something manageable to look at. So I figured I'd record my thoughts on how I did it in case you have to get through a big shoot too. ...
Photoshop Tips to Make Your Wildlife Stand Out
Hi everyone! This week I've got a great technique to help your wildlife photos really stand out. Earlier in the week I went to photograph bald eagles and Osprey around a lake here in Florida. This technique was used on nearly every one of my keepers from the trip, and...
Lightroom (Classic) Tips You NEED to Know
In this video we'll take a look at 5 of my favorite Lightroom Classic tips that most people don't know. https://youtu.be/pcOlYvLDn90