Brushing In Light with Lightroom
Learn a fun way to brush with Light in Lightroom and some tips about how the brush works along the way.
Simple Ways To Remove Halos and Fringes in Photoshop
In this video we're going to look at 3 of my favorite ways to remove those pesky little halos and fringes from your selections and masks using Photoshop. Also, the course mentioned is my Photoshop Compositing Course and the discount code to save 15% is "youtube15" (no...
How To Create Your Own Photographers Logo or Watermark
In this tutorial I'm going to go over a very popular question I get, as well as address something I see which is yucky looking logos and watermarks (or ones that all look like each other). We'll take a look at where to find fonts, and how to use and customize them to...
ON1 Photo 2019 Tip – Merging Layers for Creative Effects
Here's a tip that went over in a HUGE way when I first showcased it in my ON1 Essential Guide to Landscapes Course. When ON1 added Layers in the 2019 version, the workflow changed quite a bit. Before layers, you never had to worry about what part of a photo you added...
Solved! Bigger Photoshop Thumbnails and Interface
In another quick episode of SOLVED!, I answer some popular Photoshop questions I get about making the Layer thumbnails and interface elements larger.
Lightroom’s Most Powerful Masking Tools
In this video we'll look at Lightroom's most powerful and important masking tools and how they work (and Adobe Camera Raw). Whether it's editing a bright sky, or working with a specific color, these tools change the way your adjustment filters / Brush work, and help...
New ON1 2019 Update – The AI Mask Tool
In this video we'll take a look at the latest ON1 2019 update (2019.2) and it's new AI Masking Tool to make selections and masking easier and cleaner. Also, if you'd like to find out more about ON1 just click here to check out their website and download a free trial...
Solved! How I Recovered Gigabytes of Space from Lightroom
In this video I'll answer a question I get all the time about recovering space on your hard drives from random (and very large) PSD or TIFF files that you create in Lightroom
ON1 Photo 2019 – Little Known Tips and Tricks
In this video we'll look at a few little know tips for ON1.
Lightroom Tips you Probably Didn’t Know
In this video we'll cover some Lightroom tips that most people never even knew existed. Everything from tips for using the brush, masking, and even shooting HDR and how to work with them in Lightroom.
Speedy Fast Lightroom Browsing Tips (Solved!)
While we can't always make Lightroom (or any program) as speedy as we want, there is one sure-fire way to make browsing your photos faster in Lightroom Classic CC. Using the embedded option while importing, along with browsing in Library mode will definitely speed up...
Dehaze – The Good, Bad and the Ugly
In this tutorial we'll take a look at the Dehaze slider in Adobe Lightroom (Photoshop and ON1 too) and learn the best times to add it as well as the best times to avoid it.