You can click the red button below to download all 4 photos. They are uncropped and unedited. Several of them are in JPG because I’ll often shoot JPG when I know it’s not a challenging exposure situation.
Photo 1:
I chose a photo where the hawk had just landed so I had to capture motion as well.
Photo 2:
A close up photo captured on a tripod with cable release, manual focus and focus peaking turned on. It’s… like… REALLY sharp 🙂
I have done many of your courses, but your ‘Sharp and in Focus’ course is by far the best course I’ve ever done. Learning so much about photography in 90 minutes is priceless.
– Harald Koch
Photo 3:
Using the right focus mode and focus area, I was able to capture this photo, and track the hawk as it flew toward me.
Photo 4:
This was taken hand-held with a 4oomm lens. You’ll notice the uncropped version still stayed sharp at a distance, even while hand holding.Â
40% Off My New Sharp and In Focus Course
On Sale now for $47.99 (Regularly $79.99).
All Videos (15 Lessons / 92 minutes)
Includes Recipe Video with "recipes" for Camera settings for most scenarios (sports, portrait, wildlife, landscapes, etc...)
Downloadable Course: You Own It... No Subscriptions.
Office Hours: Exclusive Invite to my Webinar on September 17th (at 12pm ET) to ask questions about this course. (It will be recorded)
You'll receive an email within the next week to sign up and ask questions ahead of time for Office Hours. Even if you can't join live, your questions will be submitted and you'll receive the replay video.
What’s The Course All About
Course Contents
This course is 90 minutes long and each lesson is broken up into short 5-8 minute segments so you can quickly pick and choose what you want to learn more about. It’s designed so you can get through it in just one or two sittings, and then get to practicing and implementing what you’ve learned.
COURSE LENGTH: 92 minutes
1. The Importance of the Diopter and Your Eyesight
This will cover the basics of what the diopter does and how it affects what you see as well as how to set it.
2. Handholding: Shutter speed formula
Handholding long lenses can produce blurry photos. Learn a quick formula for keeping them sharp.
3. Handholding - Importance of Auto ISO
Learn how Auto ISO is one of the most important factors in getting sharp photos.
4. Handholding - Lens Stabilization Modes
Learn what the different stabilization modes are, and when/how to use them.
5. How to Check Sharpness In Camera
Find out some tips and ways to check your sharpness right in your camera before you walk away from the shot.
6. Tripods - Real World Stability Demo
We all know tripods are important. But this real world stability demo will be eye opening.
7. Tripods - Cable Releases and Self-Timer Technique
Learn the advantages and tips of not touching or coming in contact with the camera while shooting.
8. Focus: Focus Modes Single and Continuous
One of the most important things you need to master is when to use Single and Continuous Focus Modes.
9. Focus - Focus Areas Single Point vs. Dynamic
Learn how to tell your camera where to focus in the frame and even track subjects while shooting.
10. Focus - The Focus Range Limiter
The Focus Range Limiter is an essential tool for quick focusing on the right subjects.
11. Focus - When to Use Manual Focus?
Learn the “How and Why” of the Manual Focus Mode on your camera and tips for using it to get sharper photos.
12. Understanding the Focal Plane
The Focal Plane is a major element in making your subjects sharp and can also contribute to them looking blurry.
13. Understanding and Using Back Button Focus
Learn why so many photographers have changed their default camera settings to use Back Button Focus.
14. Focus Stacking (Why and How?)
Learn where Focus Stacking can help get sharper photos along with a demo on how to do it.
15. Sharp and Focus Recipes
We’ll go through a bunch of different shooting scenarios and I’ll give you a formula/recipe for settings to shoot it.
My Promise to You!
(and I don’t do this often)
You Will Learn At Least 1 New Thing!
My promise to you is that you WILL learn at least one new thing about taking sharp and in-focus photos in this course. If you don’t, you can request a full 100% no-questions-asked refund within 30 days of purchase.
Why only one thing? Judging from people I talk to all the time about this stuff, I actually think you’ll learn MANY New things.
But… if you only learned 1 thing that will get you sharper and better focussed photos, I believe that is easily worth $47.
Think about it… you’ve spent thousands on camera equipment. If $47 can help you take just one more sharp photos when it counts, wouldn’t you spend that any day of the week?