
Lightroom and Photoshop

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I agree to allow MattK.com to email me the link for the free Portrait AI presets, as well as tutorials and discounts for presets and courses. I know Matt is a good guy and won’t spam me or sell my info 🙂
However… I can always Opt-Out by clicking “Unsubscribe” on Any email at any time.

★★★★★ “I highly recommend Matt’s Presets. I purchased them and they’re easy to use and very helpful (and so is the customer service).” – Charlie

About Matt Kloskowski


“Good editing is where taste and skill meet”

Who Is Matt?

If I could sum myself up in to one sentence I’d say that I’m a guy who really loves to teach. When I think about what I enjoy most in this industry, it’s helping people learn about photography and photo editing.

I believe that successful photography (both in camera and after) is where taste and skill meet. 

A lot of people don’t know this, but I don’t shoot professionally anymore. At all! I have ZERO ego attached to my photography which means I don’t have any trade secrets, and I hold ABSOLUTELY NOTHING back (because my job is to teach, not shoot).

Do I love the occasional compliment on my photography? Sure… who doesn’t? But what really keeps me going is when I hear success stories from people who have taken my courses. So hop on board, and I hope to hear from you soon!



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