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However, I will only answer live questions and I will have some giveaways so attending live is always suggested if you can.
Common FAQs About Mobile Workflow
Q) I want to use a tablet while traveling, but how do I get photos on to the tablet?
A) I covered that in this video. (Click Here) Now, there were some people that said they have trouble connecting devices to their tablet. That’s not something I can help with. You would have to do some research on the tablet and connection methods you’re using. But I can’t troubleshoot every possible connection, as there are thousands of devices, cords, cables and tablet type combinations.
Q) But how could I connect a card reader AND external hard drive to the tablet that doesn’t have multiple ports?
A) At this point, I’ve found it helps to stop thinking about your tablet as this odd mythical device taht’s different from your computer. Sure, it has it’s differences but when it comes to most things it’s very similar. So to connect multiple devices, you’d do it in the same way you would connect multiple devices to a computer that didn’t have enough ports… a USB hub.
Q) I often don’t have internet access while traveling, so how would I use Lightroom on the tablet since it’s all cloud based?
A) You don’t have to sync your photos to the Adobe Cloud in order to use Lightroom on the tablet while you’re traveling. If you want to make getting those photos back in to your Lightroom Classic or Lightroom workflow when you get home, then you will need the internet but you will have it at that point. Again, you don’t need to sync anything to the cloud while you’re traveling.
Q) I use Android instead of an Apple iPad. Can I still do a mobile workflow?
A) Yes, Lightroom doesn’t care if you do it on an Android or an iPad tablet. It is the same on both devices. Photoshop, however, is only on the iPad.
Q) I’d like to only bring my phone. Can I connect my camera to the phone and download photos and organize, edit and share from there?
A) Most of your cameras have an app that will allow you to connect the camera to the phone to download photos. I would only use this for a few select photos that you must share while traveling, but it’s not something I’ll cover in any more detail than this (and I can’t think of anyone that would).
This is not what I consider a “mobile” workflow as it’s nearly impossible to move, transfer, organize and edit large amounts of photos on the phone. Again, for a select few photos, download the app that your camera manufacturer has for you (most recent cameras do) and you can edit them in Lightroom on the phone. But other than that, you will not find a robust Camera-to-phone (with large amounts of photos) workflow as it just doesn’t exist (Please don’t feel the need to leave me a long comment telling me you have one) 😉
Q) If I load photos on to a tablet while traveling, and eventually sync with the cloud, can I see those photos in Lightroom Classic
A) Yep. Make sure syncing is turned on in Lightroom Classic. Eventually you will see a “From Lightroom” collection set in the Collections Panel with the Albums (aka: collections) that you have synced.
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