A popular question I get when someone sees me shooting with the Sony A7R II, is why I shoot with such a high megapixel camera (42 megapixels). Also, I used to shoot with the Nikon D800/810, so the huge megapixel thing isn’t a new thing for me. I’ve shot...
Last week I got the chance to take the new Nikon D810 out for a test drive. I was at Adobe Max in LA, and a few friends and I met up to go shoot at Corona Del Mar (photo above is my good buddy Chris Orwig). So I thought I’d give you a quick review/first thoughts on...
About Me
I love teaching and photography... In that order. I feel that enjoying photography, and photo editing can get WAY too complicated. So my personal mission (and favorite thing to do), is to create education that simplifies the process of taking great photos, and how to edit them to get the results you’ve always wanted.