Photoshop is such a powerful program. But along with that power comes some complexity, and that really holds true when you find out all of the little tips and tricks we have available in such a big program. In today’s video, I’m sharing 10 Photoshop Tips and Tricks that I use all of the time, and I hope you find they make your photo editing life just a little bit easier. Enjoy!
Finally got around to watching. Great content thanks for thinking about us.
Have a great weekend,
Be lucky stay safe.
Thanks for continuing with the videos. Always something helpful.
I do have a question. I notice that you don’t use the ‘history snapshot’. I have always found it helpful in case I need to backtrack.
Hi Gail. Everyone has their own workflow. If I want to backtrack, I just press Cmd/Ctrl Z to undo and that does the trick for me. Thanks.
Thanks, Matt
Thanks, Matt! I always enjoy watching your videos!
Thanks for these tips, several great ones for me.
Loved it. Thanks so much
Thanks Matt. Your tips are always such a huge help!
I agree. These tips are so helpful! Thanks for putting them in one quick video. I know you’ve said some of them before, so it’s nice to have the most used in one place.
I’m always finding new shortcuts when I accidentally hit the wrong keys …. I don’t think we will ever find all the combinations built in .. a few I didn’t know about in this video so thanks 🙂
My own personal favourite, which I discovered quite by accident: in Blend-If it can be tricky to split the triangles at 0 and 255, in order to feather the highlights and shadows eg in colour grading. So, hold down Alt (Option on a Mac?) and click where you want the split to go, one click for the low zones and another for the high.
Will there be a way to download this video like the webinars which you presented so that it can be reviewed later?
Hi Tom. This video is not downloadable. Thanks
Have a try with Dwhelper
Great tips Matt!! I love making your brush bigger tip but when I am in the brush tool and hold down the option key I get the color picker and cannot change the size of my brush. I do like being able to get to the color picker so easily but I would love to be able to able to quit using those bracket keys to change my brush size!! is there a setting in Preferences that I need to change or am I doing something else incorrectly?
Hi. Maybe watch the video again. It’s the Option/Control key. Thanks
Thanks so much Matt! It was the Control and Option Keys together and slide to right or left to change brush size. This is a tip that I will use ALL the time!!! I love being able to do that instead of looking for those bracket keys!! Your tips are awesome! Real timesavers!! Thanks again!
Awesome tips, Matt.
Thank´s a lot. It helps!
How do you memorize keystroke tips well enough to use them frequently in your work flow?
I use quite a few, but would love to use more and more often.
Big fan of your teaching style,
Hi Joseph. I guess it’s just using them over time. Maybe keep a small notepad next to your computer to write them down and refer back to?
Hi Matt
Thank you for another great set of tips
I Appreciate Your Thoughts.
These tips were very helpful. Thank you, Matt!
Muy bueno. La mayorÃa de los trucos no los conocÃa. Gracias
As always, I learn something new, despite using Photoshop for years. The select and mask advice when doing composites is really useful. Such a good presenter- thanks a heap
Great tips. I am always trying to sort out whether to use alt/opt or CMD keys. Your tip that alt/opt always duplicates gives me at least one rule I can hold on to. And I have been searching for a way to make thumbnails larger. Enlarging font under preferences didn’t do it. Thank you.
Hey Annie,
Red River Paper has a great tutorial on making cards in photoshop and lightroom. They even provide some templates to use that are based on the card size paper that they sale. No purchase necessary, check it out! ( I am a customer of RRP).
Great tips! Will save me a lot of time.
I tried sampling a color from another document using the trick you used with the eyedropper tool. It didn’t work. What am I doing wrong? I have a Photoshop subscription (Mac). It does work if I have two psd documents open at the same time and arrange them side by side, but not if I sample a color from, for instance, a painting on the web.
Hi David. Not sure how to troubleshoot that one. It’s worked for many years and I’ve tried it on about 4-5 computers recently. Maybe give it a quick re-watch and make sure you’re clicking in the right place first, as I demo in the video. Good luck!
I tried this sampling trick on my iMac with OS 10.15.4 and PS 21.1.2 and it didn’t work as expected.
On my MacBook Pro with OS High Sierra and PS 20.0.6 it does work.
If it depends on changes in OS or PS I don’t know.
Hi Matt,
I solved the problem by going to the Adobe forum. It seems that in order to pick up color from outside Photoshop, you have to go into the security section of the system preferences: firewall, and make sure Adobe can “record screen” from outside the program. Phew! Yikes, that took a lot of energy! But the problem is solved.
If you are using the adjustment brush tool in the camera raw filter, the match color feature unfortunately will not work. That’s a shame, because it would be really handy there.
I have become a MattK junky. Every day I get up and look forward to checking my E-mail for your
latest and greatest training videos.
I just finished watching todays Top 10 Tricks. Wonderful and amazing!!!
But Matt . . . . you forgot one. Maybe you can put it into your next list of tips for us.
*** How Can I Remember All Of This Training?? ***
Hey Dave! Glad to help 🙂
I talk about this in my Fresh Start program I do in the beginning of the year. Maybe make yourself a document (word, excel?) that you can search through where you put links and such to your favorite videos and you can always search that document to find something again.
Thanks, Matt, great tips. I try to keep all my “pointer” items on the right side of my workspace thus I moved my toolbar to the right of my screen next to the channels panel, etc. I have also reassigned certain keyboard shortcuts so I can reach them with only my left hand. Left hand on the keyboard and right hand on the tablet. It works well for my workflow.
As always, I learned several new things! Thanks Matt K!
For me – The best 10 tips ever published. Thanks Matt
These tips will enhance and speed up your PS workflow. They are easy and so helpful. Thanks Matt!
Thanks a million for sharing your wisdom with us.
I have a problem with knowing how to make a a Birthday Card, Anniversary, etc back and front.
Can you suggest , if and when you get time, to make a video on that.
Thanks Annie – glad to help. As for cards, it’s not something I’ll be doing a video on. Maybe do a google search to see if there’s an online service of any sort?
There is a software called The Print Shop that makes it easy to create any type of card using your photos or photos from the internet.
I make a lot of simple cards for a grand-daughter. The easiest for me is to make the outside on card stock and print the inside on regular paper and attach it to the inside with double stick tape. If you make a mistake or want to change font you aren’t reprinting the whole thing.
Thanks, I learned several tips.
Content aware in crop, never noticed it! Thanks Matt.
GREAT tips! For a Photoshop newbie, this is hugely helpful!
Awesome tips, Matt. I knew about only ONE of these tricks before watching this. Thank you!
Thanks for the information on enlargement of the view panel! I needed that tips!