Select Subject is nothing short of fantastic. It’s saved so much time. This week, I redid a tutorial I did years ago that took me 18 minutes. In the new version, between Select Subject and the new Remove Tool I was able to do that tutorial in under 9 minutes. Crazy right?
Anyway, even though the tool is amazing, it’s not always perfect. In this video, I’ll show you a few ways to help refine what it gives you to make it even better. Enjoy!

Some very helpful editing tricks. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Matt, excellent as always.
“Why didn’t I think of that?”
Wonderful tutorial, Matt.
I love all your tutorials! Thanks for all the work you put into them!
Thank you Matt. As always, your videos are a reminder of what I could be doing BETTER!
Thank you, Matt for another really helpful video. When I saw the title, I thought it would be techniques in Ps, so I was pleasantly surprised to see these really easy techniques in LR
Thank you, Matt! I always appreciate your video’s very much!
Thanks again, Matt.
Another great tutorial
Thanks for all the great reminders!
Great video Matt. Wonderful solution to selecting subject with sky bleeding in.
there needs to be a contract and expant option in the masking in LR
I use the mask tool a lot, but I haven’t used the subtract feature. This video was very helpful to me. Thanks very much!
Many thanks, Matt
Many thanks. Your methods are a great improvement over using the brush. Your instructions are easy to understand, clear and concise. You remain “The Man.”!
Matt, I agree, these mask techniques you present are amazing! But, how can I export the mask so I can use it in Photoshop? The Select Subject in PS does not work nearly as well as in ACR. I need the mask in PS so that I can do some background and foreground manipulation.
Thanks, Robert
Hi Robert. That feature doesn’t exist. Though PS’s Select Subject is fantastic as long as you use the cloud option. Thanks.
I always find your information helpful and informative
Thank you
Superb video Matt. I’ve only been using the brush to remove the masks, so this is a huge time saver. Keep up the good work.
Why is my LR crashing when I select background when editing