
Hi all. I’ve gotten a lot of questions on the recent Photoshop and Lightroom updates from Adobe so I put together an FAQ. Enjoy!

Q. I’m having trouble updating Photoshop or Lightroom. I can’t update, or I’m not seeing the features you mentioned. Or I’m having trouble with my Lightroom catalog updating and something went wrong. Help?

A. I’m sorry you’re having issues but those are all great questions for Adobe Tech Support. While they haven’t always had the best reputation, in the last couple of years I hear over and over again from people having great success stories with them.

Q. When I try to update to the latest version of Photoshop, it’s telling me it can’t run on my current operating system or hardware. What gives?

A. This happens every year. It’s not new, but it just may not have happened to you before. I get it and it’s annoying, but every software company in the world does this at times, and it’s just the way it is. If you’re not sure about the message you get, and if you need to upgrade your Operating System or require a new computer or hardware, then contact Adobe and ask them.

Also, while I don’t know much about tech, I did write an article with everything I do know about what kind of computer to look for here. (Click Here)

Q. Can I remove old versions of Photoshop and Lightroom after I’ve installed them?

A. Yes. Photoshop is the only program that can leave it’s old version on the computer for you. Lightroom Classic and Lightroom will install new versions over the old ones. But yes, you can remove the old versions whenever you want. A quick Google search will get you help on how to do that.

Q. When I use the Generative AI feature in Lightroom, does that go against my Generative Fill credits?

A. Yes. Every time you click the “REMOVE” button that would be a credit. You can check your credit balance and how many you’ve used by logging in to your Adobe account via your web browser.

Q. I saw your video on the new features in Camera Raw and that some of them aren’t in Lightroom. Why did Adobe do this and do you think they’ll ever make it in to Lightroom / Lightroom Classic?

A. I can’t speak to why Adobe did this. “Technology Previews” are like beta features in a way. And they aren’t new at all and Adobe has been doing this for years – you may not have noticed since the feature many not have specifically affected you. It’s very normal. But I do believe they will make it in to Lightroom / LRC. When? I have no idea, but hopefully soon.

Q. How do I continue to use Lightroom, but use these features that are in Camera Raw as well?

A. There’s not really a good workflow. Lightroom and Camera Raw are not meant to be used together. Personally, as a LR/LRC user I’d continue your workflow as normal. Generative Expand is in Photoshop so by the time you added a workaround to your workflow to achieve it in camera raw, you might as well spend the 7 seconds it takes and go to Photoshop to do it. The Adaptive Profile is nice, but not worth any change in workflow to me – I doubt I’ll be using it. And while the DeNoise changes are nice, the quality of DeNoise is the same and again, considering the impact of to your workflow to try to use ACR and LR together, I’d continue the old way until this changes.

Q. But can’t LR and ACR integrate?

No, they are not meant to be used together. I’m not saying that you can’t use them together, so please don’t write a long comment instructing me on how to do it 🙂 I’m just saying they are not “meant” to work together, and any way that you do use them together is a workaround and will complicate your workflow. While I do love that DeNoise is easier now, no change to ACR is so impactful right now that you should go through this.

Q. I don’t see the changes you mentioned in my Camera Raw and I know I’ve upgraded to version 17?

Chances are that you’re probably not opening the raw file directly in to Camera Raw. Open Photoshop and go to File > Open and choose a raw file (not a JPG, or TIFF or PSD). That will open the raw file in to Camera Raw and the features I showed should be there. If they’re not, you’ll need to contact Adobe.

Q. Can I go from Lightroom to Photoshop and then to Filter > Camera Raw filter to get the options you showed in your Camera Raw video?

A. No. When you go from LR to PS, the file is no longer raw. These options (DeNoise, Generative Expand, Adaptive Profile) only work on raw files, not TIFFs, JPGs or PSDs.

Q. But I used to be able to run DeNoise on non-raw photos?

A. I hate to sound disagreeable by saying you’re wrong. So let’s just say that you’re 100% incorrect and that was never the case 😉

Q. I’m a Lightroom user. What is Camera Raw and how do I open a photo in to it?

A. Camera Raw is Photoshop’s Raw editor – and it’s almost always kept directly on par with Lightroom Develop features. Remember, not every photographer has / needs / or wants to use Lightroom, and many prefer Photoshop. But they do need a way to edit raw photos which is why Camera Raw is there (it actually came first, before Lightroom). To open a raw file in to Camera Raw, you can either double click the raw file in Bridge or in your Finder/Explorer window (assuming PS is set to the default app to open them – google this if you’re having trouble). Or in Photoshop go to File > Open and choose a raw file. That will open the raw file directly in to Camera Raw.

Q. Is going to the Camera Raw Filter in Photoshop the same thing as opening a raw photo directly in to Camera Raw?

A. No it’s not. See the question above.

Q. With all of this talk about Camera Raw all of the sudden should I switch my workflow and use Bridge/Camera Raw?

A. Absolutely not. The only thing that’s happened this week is Adobe made some small technology preview changes (I like to call them public beta changes) which they do ALL of the time. These changes happen to have some semi-cool features that are only in camera raw. That’s it. Nothing should change about your workflow and be patient that this will sort itself out and eventually those changes should get pushed to LR/LRC as well at some point.

Q. I saw something last week about a Generative Workspace. What is that and do you cover it?

A. The Generative Workspace feature is a Photoshop Beta feature. I don’t typically cover anything related to Photoshop Beta’s, as I don’t install them myself.

Q. I saw you mention the Lightroom DeNoise in some of your videos. Do you still use Topaz or do you use that instead?

A. I think Adobe’s DeNoise is fantastic. Most of my wildlife photos are high ISO photos so I Adobe’s DeNoise on most of them. But I do think running Topaz’s Noise Reduction on the raw file directly is a bit better when you pixel peep (key phrase there – you won’t see it if you don’t zoom in). For me, most of my photos are shared online, especially wildlife. I already have as many prints in my home as can fit on the walls, so I don’t print those too much anymore. Plus, when we are decorating my wife usually prefers landscapes and our travel photos on the wall, rather than an Eagle grabbing a bloody fish 🙂 So I just don’t have the need for perfect that often and good enough is often good enough. Using Topaz DeNoise on the photo takes me longer and breaks a bit of my workflow so it’s more complicated. So unless I feel I have an award winning photo that I want to show off VERY large, I use Adobe’s DeNoise. When I do want perfect, I use Topaz and I will be releasing a new Topaz course very soon so stay tuned.


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