In today’s tutorial we’re going to take a look at one of my favorite techniques for enhancing the eyes in a wildlife photo using Lightroom, Photoshop Camera Raw or even ON1 (video below the Adobe video). I think you’ll see that just a little adjustment with one of the “gradient” tools, and some minor exposure and shadow settings, we can bring life in to eyes that may appear too dark. Enjoy!
Amazing Eye Technique for Wildlife Photos in Lightroom and Photoshop
Sep 3, 2020 | Lightroom, Photoshop, Tutorials | 26 comments
Awesome as always, Matt!! Thank you!!
Hi Matt
My filter outline doesn’t go away when I move the cursor off the screen. Does something need to be turned on for this to happen?
Thanks for the best tutorials.
Hi. If you poke around the toolbar you’ll see there’s a setting that you can change to “Auto” “Always” etc…
My favourite two keys are the H and O keys. O shows/hides the affected area mask. H shows/hides the little selectors and the outlines. Hope that helps!
I love your brush and gradient system. I use them almost all the time. Using it to just adjust for noise even at 100 ISO if nothing else is needed in the image is great to have. It has been a game and time saver!
That’s much better than relying on dodging and burning as I have in the past. Thank you.
Thank you, Matt! I am currently working on a a series (well, more than a series) of Collector Dolls I have gathered over the past few years. I find the eyes are sometimes hard to work with as often they photograph the same way as the birds. I think this technique will help me enormously. Think I bought your brush and gradient system but am going to check and follow up with the website again. THANK YOU SO MUCH. for all your hard work.
The LrC/Ps tutorial was a great help…another super way to help my photos…thanks…
Thank you. This is super helpful!!
Great tutorial. Thanks. Also, increasing the “Temperature” will bring out the color in some eyes.
Thanks that is great I take shots of backyard birds
Yes, you made this simple. Thank you!
Well done Matt. Your video makes this quick, easy and provides the subtle impact needed for eyes – thank you!
Fantastic tutorial! I have struggled with many of the eyes in my subjects. Thank you.
Thank you!
Great tutorial thank you.
Terrific! Well done!
Another great informative tutorial. Appreciate it
Thanks for another great tutorial, Matt. I’ve been considering switching to ON1 for a while but had some issues with the way it handles blown out highlights – not very well, unless I’m missing something. If you have a video you can recommend to help me out with that it would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
Love these tutorials Matt.
Another great tutorial thank you.
I tried to do this myself In so many instances and could not get it right. You do really make it simple Mister…..thanks a lot.
So simple but make a difference. Thank you for continuing to share these tips!
Wow, very helpful, both Adobe and Onone. Really enjoyed this one. Thank You
Capture one?
Thank you