This time of year my support inbox usually fills up with requests on how to download new versions, the new version doesn’t show the new features, or is it safe to get rid of older versions, etc… So this year I decided to get ahead of the game and make a video that shows you how to get the new updates, as well as what to do with older versions and updates too. Enjoy!
Don’t forget, I have my new Lightroom Masking and Brush Deep Dive Course (with presets) on sale for 50% off this week. Just click here to find out more.
I see 4 maybe 5 G Tech units in the background. Are they daisy chained? What is the process to daisy chain and what is the benefit? A video on your process would be appreciated. Thank you.
Hi. I have two drives… 1 for my photos and 1 as a backup for the photos (that I backup with carbon copy). The other 2 drives are for my business videos, course files, etc… Most people wouldn’t need those two so it’s a very simple system. One drive for the photos and one to back them up with. Thanks.
I thought the updates were from YOUR courses not from Adobe!?!
That is correct. They are my courses.
I am so excited about the new masking choices and layers in LRC. When the update came out, I groaned and said to myself, “This old lady doesn’t need to learn any new tricks. Why are they always making changes :).” But the new masking method is so much easier to use and creating the layers to get back to the mask I made is so useful. I love this new feature. Who knew – this old lady would like learning new tricks.
When I installed the new Photoshop it asked me to remove 2021 which it did but I was looking back after watching your video and I can still see Photoshop2021? The only thing inside of it is Topaz DeNoiseAI and Sharpen AI. I did open the new photoshop 2022 and I can still select these from the Filter selections. I wonder if I should move these to photoshop 2022 under plug-ins? Just so I don’t delete the old PS by accident?
Hi Matt
I downloaded the new Lightroom Classic 11 version and watched your videos. Thanks, but I have a question. When I go to backup my Lightroom Classic via GoodSync which I have been doing for years, I start the Analyze button and it shows red x’s and the word delete all over the place. There should not be many changes because I also backed up shortly before downloading new Lightroom version 11. I am nervise to click the Sync button. Is there something in the new Lightroom version that causes this?
Hi Matt
just double checking on deleting older versions of LRM and photoshop. Are they not connected to the new version that was just introduced?
on another note. on catalogues what do you recommend catching in setting up catalogues to topics and places.
thank you.
Thank you! Who knows how long I would have gone without changing the shortcut! (there, I admitted it).
Hi Matt,
All good with your video as ever however I have hit a brick wall with my MacOS High Sierra v10.13.6 not being compatible with the new releases of LRc and PS.
I only use my IMac for post processing my images in LR and PS so have nover updated the MacOS operating system. The Apple support site indicates I should be able to update my software. So until I solve this issue with the MacOS software I am unable to avail myself of the new version of LR and PS…
Suggestions very welcome
Best regards Bob
Almost the same for me: my Mac pro 2012 is perfecty running with Mojave and Ps/Lr 21.Now with this new version, Adobe is working the game of planned obsolescence . Curiously, the day after the announcment of the upgrade I received a mail telling me how to discard my old Mac ! No, no, we’re not spied !
I’m frustrated: Adobe wants to continues to take my money but abandons the service.
Like your updates, Matt, and recommended to members of our camera club. First came across you at the LR VIP Summit last year. Thanks for all your help. Sheffield, UK.
I want to test my new catalogue on my second Mac laptop computer which I take on trips. When I plug in my external hard drive and open Lightroom, it wants to set up another catalogue. What do I do to avoid this and just have it read my new catalogue.
You don’t. You let LR create a new v11 catalog, which it will use. Your v10 catalog is still available for use by the prior LR version. Any changes to the prior catalog will now not be reflected in the new one. However, you can always delete the new v11 catalog and force LR v11 to generate a new catalog from the old one.
Hi… You can go to File > Open Catalog and open the catalog you want from there.
Thank you !
thanks Matt for the up dates. I always wonder about the old ones also !!
I don’t see the updates…just kidding, I got them. Do I need Lightroom(Lr) and Lightroom classic(LrC), or just classic?
Hey Sharon! 🙂 Just Classic. Hope all is well!
Things are good. I hope you and the family are well!
will the new updates work with Mojave?
rather bad advice on the uninstall bit, that will uninstall the latest version
Hi Lance. That is incorrect. It will uninstall the version that it shows. If you only have one version showing why would you uninstall it? If you have multiple versions showing (PS V22), then it will un-install the one you tell it to. You’re responsible for telling it which version to uninstall. In most cases, people have “Auto Uninstall” turned on which means when you upgrade it will uninstall the previous version.
The new PS will not work on my computer. Not enough GPUs and also it’s a Mac Catalina 10.15.7. It’s too old to update to Big Sur which this new PS seems to need. So now I want to go back and use my old PS 2021. But even though it is still installed and opened (PS2022 is not open)I can’t get LR to send photos to it. They keep opening and going to PS 2022. Any way to change this?
The new PS/LR will work on 10.15 ie Catalina. In fact, I had to update my Mac TO Catalina two install it.
The system requirements page confirms 10.15:
Things are telling you to update your Mac. Just done mine as older one was 2010 model
Hey Mat I always removed the old version never understand why I should not is there any reason to keep the old one?
Unless you have plug-ins that have not been updated to run on the new version, correct? You might want to keep the old version for a little while to make sure everything you need is working.
What happened to the radial filter?
Hi. Check out my Lightroom update videos and you’ll see it.
Thank you, Matt. I’m upgrading as I watch your video.
Thank you. I’ve wondered about those old versions.
Good afternoon Matt from Canada and thank you so much for this video and the ones you released yesterday. Very very helpful. As you noted, there is a new completely new version of Photoshop. My question – do I need to copy any settings from PS 2021 over to PS 2022 or were all my preferences, etc automatically brought into PS 2022 when it was downloaded and installed. I ask because I noticed this morning that when I saved one photo to my Mac, the new PS 2022 had saved it as a PSD rather than as a TIF, which was how it would have been saved with PS 2021. Thank you 🙂
I think this is just a Lr problem so here I ask:
The catalogue, as I understand it gets replaced yet again, that is fine but what do I do with the old catalogues? Keep them? Delete them? Admire them as old system resources?
You can’t use the old catalog with any versions of LR moving foward so they are useless. I’ll hang onto backups of the catalog just in case but I’ve deleted the file from my working Lightroom folder in favor of the upgraded catalog.
So I wondered the same thing and have all of my external backups and home cloud. From one of my external drives, I deleted to the trash/Mac the old catalogue and cleaned up the folder. I the. Closed everything and figured if there was an issue, everything was in the trash to put back if there was an issue. I then launched from Lightroom the catalogue on this drive. It opened and worked perfectly fine. I tested going to photoshop, doing some test edits and saving back to Lightroom. I had zero issue. That’s my own experience and results as I was wondering about getting a bunch of unnecessary junk building up and becoming it’s own project in the future.
If indeed the old catalog & catalog data files are useless, I am a bit confused which are the catalog & catalog data files associated with version 11. I certainly do not want to trash the wrong ones.
Hi Kit. Your Catalog Preferences window will always show you the current catalog file and where it is. Hope that helps.
It can be helpful to change the catalog name (when upgrading and converting) to include the release number. I always add “-v##”.
I’ve heard that Adobe dropped the “3D” support from current and future releases of Photoshop
Is that true ?
If yes, what would be the “las t ” version to keep in order to have 3D support (as I’m french, I always have 2 versions : on in french and one in english in order to be able to use the diffe rent actions I buy on the web)
Hi Serge. I honestly don’t know that one. I can say that I have never opened the 3D area in Photoshop before 🙂