
I’m getting ready to teach the first tour stop for my Lightroom 5 seminar this year in Covington, KY (across the river from Cincinnati). I got in to my hotel yesterday afternoon, and a few guys on Twitter asked if I wanted to go shooting. So we found our way to the waterfront with a nice view of downtown Cincinnati.

(click to see the photo larger)

This was a 30-second exposure and, while we didn’t experience the frigid temps that they did earlier this week, you still felt every bit of that 30 seconds 🙂 The clouds weren’t moving too fast so we didn’t get much blurry action in the sky. The water was actually pretty still to begin with so the long exposure didn’t even smooth it out that much. The most it helped was to blur the patches of ice that went by in the distance.

Here’s another composition from the same place. I just zoomed in a little more and included more area to the right and less of the bridge.


Shortly after sunset, we made our way in to the hotel and warmed ourselves up with a few drinks. A big thanks to Jack, John, Brett and Richard. I just met these guys, but had a great time just chatting about photography with them for a couple of hours. As you can guess, traveling can get lonely sometimes when you’re stuck in a hotel, airport, etc… but I’m really lucky to work in such a job that 5 strangers can come together, and instantly have a great topic like photography to talk about.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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