Hi everyone! This week I’ve got something a little difference. I recently had to get through over 1500 photos and filter them down to something manageable to look at. So I figured I’d record my thoughts on how I did it in case you have to get through a big shoot too.
Free Sky Sample Pack: https://mattk.photos/sky-landing
The Full Sky Replacement Pack: https://mattk.com/product/sky-replacement/
Eagle and Osprey Tours: https://www.dvwildlife.com/
Love your teaching style. “Discovered” you on creative livestream a while back but wasn’t using LRC/PS until recently. I learn something new and useful every time I watch one of your videos. I’ve always been told never to delete photos from the sd card in camera. If I want to delete them after they’ve been downloaded to LR, I just use that delete rejected photos and that will remove them from my hard drive as well as from LR Library? I have a new laptop and don’t want to clog it up with rejects.
Hi. You can do it either way. I personally delete from the camera almost every time I shoot. People have said it will corrupt the card but that is untrue. Can you imagine if the camera companies put a delete button on the camera that didn’t work but instead deleted all of your photos? Lots of lawsuits I’m sure 🙂
But feel free to just delete from LR if you’d like. Thanks!
Hi, Matt,
So, when you import the images, select embedded with sidecar, and mark things as a reject, and then go to the “Delete rejected photos”, does that delete the photos from Lightroom, or does it delete them from the media (whether card or drive)? Or does it delete them from both?
Hi Paul. It will ask you what you want to do. Give it a try and you’ll see. Thanks!
Matt – another great tutorial/video – i would not expect less. A question – do you do a “batch” build standard previews after you end up with a “smaller” set of photos in the collection you created or do you only build standard previews when you start editing the images in the Develop module. While I know you prefer to not convert you images to DNG format, I do so in order to not worry about the XMP files in the off chance that I move a photo in the finder rather than in LR – I know this is a no-no. But given that my images are converted to DNG files upon import into LR – does this have any impact on the approach you describe in this tutorial.
Hi Steve. I don’t personally. As you know I don’t mess with DNG or XMP files and I just let LR build standard previews as I need them. Thanks.
Thanks for the sky replacement and most of all for this MUCH NEEDED video. LOL. Last wildlife trip (with Jim Zuckerman up to Montana) I came home with 6,000 shots. Ugh. This is great. Next step is playing with the new Sony A1 and thinking of all the frames I can capture on the next trip 🙂
Great video Matt. Although I seldom take 1000 photos in a given shoot, the video will be very helpful going forward. Wadding through even 500 photos can be pretty daunting. However, what really caught my attention was the nice glass. Where can I get me one of them?
Hi Matt, thanks for this video. Several questions, not directly related. One – I am unable to download the free sky set, nothing comes through. Clicking on the download transfers to another page, then reports to check email.
Two – does LR import classify images in place wherever they are on the HD, or do they need to be moved to make them accessible?
Hi matt just to say as freelance tog iv been using Ltr for sometime use to spend hrs editing did courses but iv learned more from u in a week than I have in 6 years I’m in the market to purchase a photoshop web pack
Matt, a bit off subject, but would appreciate your experience with Sony 200-600 lens. Also, I’m assuming most of shots were from a boat. Were these hand-held? I’m still using the a7Riii and have the 100-400 lens with the 1.7 converter. Any rumors about an a7R5 coming out any time soon?
Hi Ron. I love the lens! Versatile, cheap (for what you get) and light-ish (again for what you get). I’d guess the 100-400 with a 1.7 would be just about the same though, so I’m not sure why you’d get the 200-600 if you already have that right?
This video will help me a lot to reduce the numbers of photos on my harddrive and it will save me a löt of time. what is the actual effect of “embedded & sidecar”?
Hi Matt! Extremely interesting, thank you !
I am interested in your answer, Matt, to M. Zocher’s question: what is the actual effect of “embedded & sidecar” ? I import my photos using : “1:1 previews” and it works well…
Hi. I don’t know how to explain the tech behind it. Sorry about that. I just know it works. Kind of like when the golf instructor tells me to hold my club a certain way. I don’t know why it works… I just know I hit the ball better when I did 🙂
I copy my file, go through it and delete the pics I don’t want.
When I still have too many, I copy again and do the same.
It takes longer than 15 mins, but I can always retrieve the unwanted ones.
I don’t know why you did that last step of taking ALL the unflagged photos and putting them in the Collection. You went through and flagged all your rejects and you moved all of your obvious candidates to the Collection. That made your Collection much smaller. BUT then you added all the ones that weren’t rejects to the Collection, making it bigger. I didn’t expect that last step and don’t know why you would do it.
Thanks for showing us your approach.
Great video…..I almost thought you would use Photo Mechanic for this. I’ve heard great things about PM, but still trying to reconcile need for it over LR vs the additional cost for PM. I’ll check your channel, but if you have any thoughts on comparison of PM & LR would love to see a video or hear them. 🙂
PM is nice for looking at photos before I ever bring them in to LR. It’s tough to talk about though. People are generally up in arms about spending $9.99 a month, and it’s hard to tell anyone to go buy a $150 program just to look at photos. It’s pricey for what you get, ya know?
I watch a lot of your videos and have purchased one of your courses. My wife being and eagle-holic, loves eagles and we love photographing them. Does this friend of your do tours? I would love to contact him and perhaps arrange something.
great stuf Matt !
One thing I learnt is that I def. need to be more @honest@ (ruthless) and not have so many keepers, when I know they are not up to the standard of the best shot.
Then i end up editing a lot of photos, that I inevitably dont keep:( Guess Ive got to get my ego outta the way sometimes 🙂
As always, A+ on content, not so great on spelling. In intro, word you want is “paring,” not “pairing.” SpellCheck won’t detect, as both words legit.
Nice one, thanks Matt
Thanks very much Matt!
Would you be kind enough to send me the link to (the tour with Dick in Florida) where you had the opportunity to shoot the eagles ?
I would also like the sky replacement video link. It’s the first time I’ve watched one of your videos and I thoroughly enjoyed it !
Thank you !
If you click on “YouTube” on the bottom right corner of the video screen, it’ll take you to the same video but on the YouTube site. Underneath that video screen is where you will find the links.
I have the new iPhone 12 Pro. Do you have a video
about transferring from the iPhone to my Sony A7RV?
Hi John. I don’t know of a feature that will transfer anything from the iPhone to a Sony camera. You can go the other way… transfer from the Sony to the iPhone though. I don’t have any videos on it but you should be able to find something with a quick google search. Thanks!
All your Vedic clips are wonderful; however, this one was especially valuable to me. I kind of did this in a round about way. Your method is much better. Thank you for your fantastic teaching method and style. You’re talking my language.
Thanks, Matt. Great, helpful video! It’s so overwhelming and time consuming to go through a lot of pictures to decide whichis best–this will certainly save time.
Very, very helpful. As always, enjoyed this and gained great information about which I never gave much thought. Love these videos.
Hi Matt, I notice as you went through your photo picks that some were ARW and some were JPG. Any reason there for that.
I ask because I generally shoot both ARW and JPG. That way I have a JPG to share quick and an ARW to work on in more detail. However that gives me double the photos to sort through. Is there a way to stack these so that your quick culling method works on both types at the same time?
Thanks for the video, that was a great help.
Just a happy accident. I went home after the first night and took some photos at my son’s lacrosse game. I don’t shoot those in raw since… well… nobody looking at those photos would ever care. Then forgot to change back the next day which is fine. For this type of wildlife shoot there’s really no reason for raw so JPG takes up a lot less space 🙂
Thanks Matt
Eagle and Osprey Tours: https://www.dvwildlife.com/
Very helpful!!!! Thanks Matt!
Matt, Good stuff. My head spins with all the shortcuts I must say. Great Eagles, I’m out everyday looking in NE Ohio.
Here’s some of what I do…….. https://focalpoints.smugmug.com/Eagles/
I didn’t know about the B shortcut (of course I didn’t know about Target Collections either!), but I’ve already burned it into my memory with this mnemonic – “B Mine” 🙂
Great photos Ken!
Thanks Matt. I wish I had your Sony gear though, they might be even better. Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated from someone of your professional caliber.
Ken Stempinski
Thanks Matt, now I can speed up much faster and continue further with my editing.
In addition you can use the auto stacking feature in LR and adjust the timing between shots. I have found when taking burst shots this is a quick way to group them and then go through to keep or reject. Enjoy your videos, thank you .
Love the Eagle tour. I did something similar but learned some new things.
I am an old customer. Bought a Lightroom video a few years back. I still pull it up at times.
We have an eagle tower in nearby Baytown Texas. I live in League City Texas. Hope you enjoy Tampa. I was raised there.
Great stuff Matt!
Matt – I really liked this video. Like you I often take more than a 1000 photos when photographing birds and have spent far too much time reducing them to a manageable set to work with. I will now have a lot more time on my hand to do as you say the “fun stuff.”
Dick is a great guy. He always has great photoshoots and tours.
I found this extremely helpful when I go through my birding trips.
I found I have been importing w/ Standard, not embedded and sidecar. That may be why LR is very slow for me.
How do I fix this?
Hi Richard. There is no fix other than changing your options going forward.