I came across an article the other day, from a blog called Jonas Hellsen Photography. It made such an impact on me, and struck a chord that I wanted to share it. See, he touches on the topic of getting it right in camera and poses the thought that retouching is actually part of photography and, in a way, always has been.
For me, I’ve always kinda thought this: In this digital age, with all of the tools we have both before and after capture, I don’t care where you get it right? All that matters to me, is that you get it right. Whether it’s right in camera or whether it’s right in Photoshop (or any post-processing) does it really matter? As long as it’s right, isn’t that what counts?
So, as you’re surfing around this weekend, I think his article is definitely worth reading.
I’m off to chaperon my son’s field trip to Disney today. Wish me luck! Tomorrow I leave for Adobe Max for the weekend, so I’ll make sure I report anything cool that happens here next week. Enjoy and have a great weekend!
Hi again, websites around us changes during time, and so is mine. Therefore the address for you recommendation has changed. My article about Photoshop (among other things) is now located here instead: http://jonashellsen.com/blog/getting-it-right-from-the-beginning/
I’m deeply touched that you liked my article. It evolved from a discussion in a Swedish forum when some photographers even said that using Photoshop was devastating for photographers because now every one could be great at photography. Of course that’s not true, there is so much more to it. Your blog is always inspiring and I read it with great interest. You have now inspired me to translate the rest of the blog! Thank you!
Thanks Jonas – Great article. It definitely goes beyond the usual retouching ethics articles you see and gets to the heart of digital photography and what it means to be digital.
Thanks 🙂
Matt, thanks for bringing this up!
When I shoot weddings I try to get it right in camera but seriously my clients couldn’t care less, so long as I get it and that I make it right before I show them. There are some great shots that I could have given them if I deleted them or refused to adjust them because the flash didn’t fire or I didn’t adjust the exposure before the expression faded.
We all change things to get the result we want, it might be using flash, it might be the shadow slider or possibly moving someone into open shade so they don’t squint.
One point that many people miss is, “It never looks the same out of camera as it did to our eyes, never!” OK, so Joe gets it damn close;-) So what we do in post to try to convey what we saw is all part of our craft or art.
Draw the line where you wish and don’t worry if others use different tools.
I learned to shoot using Kodachrome when getting it right in-camera was essential. I also learned to use a tripod so I could fine tune the composition before tripping the shutter. These two techniques can save you a lot of time in post.
I still remember taking my kids to Disney World when they were young. Maybe one day I can take the grandkids but they need to grow a bit first. Disney World, kids and cameras were made for each other. Have fun. 🙂
I think today, as opposed to any other time in history, we are very fortunate to have all the tools we have simply because it is only giving us more incentive to be creative. I take one image and can turn it into 20 between PS and LR alone; not even going into HDR, etc. I love it, and have no complaints; sometimes is happens to get it right in camera, per one’s vision, and sometimes it only comes out 1/2 way; either way, I am just happy to have all these tools available to me at any one time, (and on any device).
However, I think out of all the genres of photography “weddings” should never be subject to the “right in camera” idea! That would be disastrous regardless of the camera make and model; jmo.
Good Luck @ Disney!