In episode 3 of “How to get the most from Adobe” we’ll look at how you can create a professional looking online Portfolio using Adobe Portfolio which is included as part of your Adobe Subscription (rather than pay another company $50 to $100 each year for the service. These portfolios can be linked and shared, and even tied in to a custom Web address if you have your own “.com”.
SIDENOTE: I’ve also created a page where each of these “How to get the most” videos will be compiled in one place. So feel free to stop back here on Monday, Wednesday or Friday to see each new video, or just check back to the master page if you just want the video without any of the written description.
I tried this out a couple of years ago and was able to work my way through getting a pretty nicely designed portfolio. However, it was very time-consuming (for a non-programmer/non_website designer) and I found that when Adobe updated the app, things I had designed would be adversely impacted. On the other hand, at that time (I don’t know if it still exists) Adobe provided email help directly from within the portfolio design tool, and their agents were extremely patient and helpful.
As someone else here mentioned, one of the roadblocks to effectively using this is Adobe’s labeling of sections, tools, etc. It is not clear to the average person which sections do what, how best to utilize them, and what some section labels or parts are for.
All that said, I’m guessing it has probably come a long ways since then and I liked the help page you pointed out. I’m sure those help topics will be an immense help to people trying this out.
A while back I started to build a portfolio. Stopped because of having a hard time figuring it out. Yesterday, after seeing your video, I went back and tried again, armed with more places to look for help.
Unfortunately still having trouble. The help pages are quite thorough, but they use terminology without a clear description of what the terms mean. For instance, should there be a welcome page attached to a gallery? How do you make that connection?
There is mention of modules without any clarity of what that means, and also “containers”. Then one place you can fix borders, another place fix the words content. It gets confusing.
Is there anywhere to find simpler instructions for setting up the portfolio?
Thanks Matt. Now I understand it so much better. I need to go experiment with it and have better confidence than before
Hi Matt
I am totally enjoying this series, I am an avid user and I was not totally aware of these hidden treasurs.
I have finally worked my way through the Photoshop System 2 and learned a lot from it. I finished the Photoshop System 2 just in time for “Get the most from Adobe…” Every course I either bought from or that was provided free by you was really helpful. But the best part is that images of my own photos that I consider “keepers” popped up in my mind while watching your videos. I now know exactly how I want to and can improve them and that includes my portfolio. All I need is time.
Thank you, Matt!
You’re very welcome!
Can you set up a portfolio that is password-protected? So that only clients can see it?
Hi Joanne – I doubt it, but maybe search through the help docs I pointed to, to see if there’s an option.
Hi Joanne. You can indeed password protect a portfolio. Once inside the site editor, go into the Settings option (under ESSENTIALS). There you will find the option to password protect the portfolio.