Toward the end of last year I shared that I had purchased a new MacBook Pro 14″ laptop and that it was going to be my main computer. That meant that, since I was using a 27” iMac before, I would need a screen to go with it since the iMac has a built in screen. Well, once I shared this, I realized I wasn’t alone. I started getting multiple questions every day from people who did the same thing. So that’s where this “update” comes from…
Why Buy the New Laptop?
I purchased the new laptop because I had been using a mid 2016 MacBook Pro up until that point. While it served me well, it was approaching 6 years old (which is ancient in computer years) I was ready for the speed and power that comes from the new M1 chips I’d been hearing about. And all reports I’d heard from the new laptops were that they were screaming fast. So I went on to Apple’s website, spec’d out the new laptop and even got around $800 for my trade in of my old laptop (For me, $800 for a 5+ year old laptop was a great deal).
Before last November, I was using a 2017 iMac which worked great. But again… by all reports, these new laptops would leave even a well spec’d out 2017 iMac in the dust (and it does). So I took the plunge and purchased the new laptop, which would now become my main computer. (by the way… I LOVE it!)
NOTE: A few of you very graciously said that they would have waited for new 27″ iMacs (thanks… I never would have thought of that [insert sarcasm] ? ). But that wouldn’t work for me. I need a laptop – it’s not an option for me not to have one. And I really dislike having two computers – it makes life difficult because you can guarantee whatever files or whatever I need is always on the “other” computer. So this was a good chance for me to consolidate.
So What’s the Problem?
Now I was faced with an issue. Before 2017, I had been using a nice Apple display that looked like an iMac screen but just plugged in to my laptop. I loved it. Then I moved to the iMac in 2017 and now I had an equally awesome looking bright glossy screen. But now that I was moving to a laptop for my computer again (and no longer had the Apple screen, nor do they make them anymore), I was in need of a monitor – that I really liked.
SIDE NOTE: I really dislike matte screen monitors. I like bright, contrasty, in-your-face colors of the glossy screens we’re all used to in today’s world. Our phones have had them forever. Our tablets have had them forever, most laptops have them, and with my iMac I had a very similar experience. Since the vast majority of anyone’s photos are viewed on these nice bright contrasty glossy screens, having the iMac meant I could tell exactly how my photos would be viewed by most of the world – since very few people would ever see a print I made.
Okay… back to our story of me needing a screen. The problem was the only external screen I had was a BenQ matte screen, which I use for print proofing. So I used that for a few weeks thinking maybe I just needed to give it a chance. Well, needless to say, I wasn’t happy with it. I sat down every day wishing I had my iMac screen back – I hated working full time on it. And the problem is that there are simply just not a lot of standalone glossy screens on the market.
What choices are there you ask? There’s the LG UltraFine 5K Screen (B&H and Apple sells them but you can get them just about anywhere too), and then there is the Apple XDR screen which is stupidly expensive. Not just stupidly expensive… like ridiculously-stupidly expensive! And I swore I would never get one.
Then, One Day I Made a BIG Mistake!
One day, over the holidays, I ran to the Apple store at the mall to pick up something I needed for work. BIG MISTAKE! I walked by the Apple XDR screen. You know the stupidly-expensive-screen that I swore I’d never get. I stopped and saw it across the store. It was like a Siren off in the distance, calling and beckoning sailors to lure them to their death. Well, it lured me to come closer and closer. So I did. The only thing that came to my mind was “WOW”! It looked flat out amazing. Felt amazing – was smooth to articulate and raise and lower, great viewing angles, great color, sharpness, contrast, etc… But I shook it off and left the store, grabbed some Aunt Annies pretzels nuggets, and went home.
I continued to use the screen I didn’t like because I didn’t know what to get. Oh, and it may help to know that those LG displays I mentioned earlier were out of stock EVERYWHERE (4-8 weeks back ordered), or I probably would have bought one.
My Realization
Anyway, a few days later I was thinking about still needing a screen, as I sat there in front of my BenQ editing photos. I looked over at my camera which I hadn’t used in about 3 weeks. Then I looked over at a multi-thousand dollar lens that hadn’t been used in a few weeks. And I laughed to myself as I started to consider that many of us will go out and spend upwards of $5000 (for many of you, MUCH more) on a camera and lens. For most of you reading, you probably don’t take that camera out every day or even every week (I don’t – running my business… which isn’t a photography business – takes most of my time). And I started thinking about all of the other things I have that can be really expensive that I don’t use that often (ski or scuba equipment, etc…).
But we spend thousands on this stuff. Yet, the thing that I look at every single day, for 8-12 hours a day, I refuse to spend more than $800 on. And even that seemed too pricey. Kind of weird right?
Anyway… Well, you can guess where this is going right? That thought, along with some research (not reviews) I had done confirmed it for me. And I pulled the trigger and bought it. I was able to trade in my 2017 iMac right at the store too, so that helped fund the purchase. I literally just walked it in to the store – no appointment and got almost $1500 for it. But I won’t lie. As I was standing there and they swiped my credit card, I cringed.
And Today….?
Today, over a month later, I’m so incredibly happy I made the decision. This screen is an absolute pleasure to look at. It’s got incredible color management built right in. Those of you that follow me know I 100% do not believe in calibrating most modern day screens (no, not even for printing). And this is no different. Unless you have a specific need and workflow (and printing is not a good enough reason), there is no reason to calibrate this screen.
It’s got built in technology for brightness and color that senses the lighting around it, and I don’t know what else to say other than it looks amazing. And it better for the ridiculous price tag right?
I Realize You’re Not Going to Spend $6000
I knew when I started writing this that most of you aren’t going to spend $5K+ on a screen. But at the same time, I had to write about it because I get asked this question 100 times a week ever since I wrote that I was looking for a screen. So rather than ignore the question, or lie to you, I’m being honest. So please do everyone a favor and spare us the “Matt, that is insane and I can’t believe you purchased that and are suggesting we purchase it too!”. 🙂
Here’s the deal… Photography and editing isn’t your job, and there’s no way you can justify that amount. I get it. Being at a computer all day every day IS MY JOB. And in a way, it’s my hobby too. So I spend a crazy amount of time in front of a screen, and I made the decision that it was worth it to me. I’m not suggesting you make that same decision and in fact, I’m even saying you probably shouldn’t.
So What Should You Get?
As I mentioned earlier, I understand most of you can’t justify the cost of this screen. So then what? If you want that glossy iMac experience (which is really who I’m writing this for since that’s the question I get asked a lot), then those LG Ultrafine 5K 27″ screens are probably the way to go. The 32″ inch version seems like it’s harder to find but you can search around and find it if you want larger.
These screens are known to be great (as long as you don’t get caught up in internet review land). People who own them, love them. It’s rumored that it is similar to what Apple uses in the iMacs, but I’ve learned that rumors are worth exactly what you paid for them – nada!!! Don’t read online reviews… if you want that glossy-bright-contrasty-screen-experience with your laptop, then get it. I know enough people with the LG screen, that I can tell you that you’ll like it. Buy it and be done looking and get to the fun stuff of actually using your screen.
If you don’t want the glossy-bright-shiny-screen experience, I’m afraid I’m no help here because that’s all I’ve had for almost 15 years.
Update: I believe Apple has also come out with a Studio Display since I wrote this. I don’t know much about it other than I’ve heard good things from a few people that bought one.
One More Thing… My Laptop Specs
I know I’m going to get asked about this so I figured I’d share my laptop specs. I wrote an article on what to look for in a computer so you may want to refer to that. But here are the specs I went with in case you’re interested. Enjoy!
Would this be the same thing???
LG UltraFine 27UQ850-W 27″ UHD 3840 x 2160 (4K) 60 Hz FreeSync (AMD Adaptive Sync) LCD / LED Monitors
Hey Matt!
Thanks for this post. It’s a big help! I, too, love the bold monitors and have been trying to decide whether or not to buy one. Even more than that, I’ve started considering that I should probably buy a new laptop soon. I bought my MacBook Pro in 2017 I believe. I store all my images on external drives and I know I’m not running out of room but I worry about it up and dying one day since it’s no spring chicken anymore!
Your post gives a lot of helpful guidance to consider! My husband will probably nix a new purchase, but hey, a girl can plan!
I do have one question for you though! Do you have any videos or training on switching over to a new computer, with regard to LR? One reason I’ve held off buying a new laptop is because I have no clue how to transfer my LR presets, brushes, etc. on to a new device! I am hoping all the other things I’d worry about like internet bookmarks, saved passwords, etc that are within my current laptop would transfer over like they do with a new phone that’s backed up?
Thanks for any insight!
Hello Shelley,
You may find the link to an ebook by Victoria Bampton helpful.
Hi Matt,
Now that you have been using your new laptop for a while, is there anything you would change? Like you, my 2017 MacBook Air just isn’t up to speed any longer and I must upgrade. Thank you so much for posting the specs on your latest computer. If you are still satisfied, I will most likely follow your lead.
Nope, nothing I would change. Apple just released the “studio” thing which looks great. While specs are better I don’t think any program we use can take advantage of any more cores. And if I got one of those, I’d still have to get a laptop because I travel and need one. So… no regrets here. Great laptop and I love it! Only thing is that you get used to the speed pretty fast, and after a month it doesn’t seem so fast anymore (in reality it kills my old laptop) 🙂
I’m intrigued by your disdain for online reviews. Right now I’m in the market for a W/A zoom and I don’t want to pay the Sony price. How do I choose? I’d love for you to expand on your purchasing methods with a blog post: “How I pick my gear without reading revirews”
Matt, is your laptop plugged in to the power 24/7?
Great timing and info Matt. I am at the almost same stage, sort of. My laptop is outdated and cannot accept downloaded Mac upgrades. I am also looking at the 14-in MacBook Pro. (thus your opinion is very helpful). I tried to see if Costco would take my old iMac 27 for a trade in but they did not want it. Does the Apple store use different criteria?
I have not tried to see if Costco will take my MacBook.
But on another track, is it possible to use my old iMac 27as a screen for the 14-in MacBook I intend to purchase?
I look at all of your lessons and really appreciate your expertise and your ability to separate the BS from the needed info.
Take Care and Stay Healthy, Dale
Hi Dale. I don’t know about Costco. I brought mine in to an Apple store. And I’m not sure about using it as a monitor for your laptop so maybe search around to see if you find something.
Of the 27″ iMacs, only the 2009 and 2010 can be used as external displays, and you also have to go back to High Sierra on them.
Target Display was a pretty nifty feature of iMacs for years, kind of sad Apple let it go. I have a beautiful 2018 iMac 5K Retina that I’d love to use as external display for my MacBook.
Matt, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on monitors. I agree that the LG5K, Apple Studio and Apple XDR are really the best choices for OS X due to scaling issues. Either go 5K or stay at 2K, that’s what I get from reading this guy’s article:
You don’t have to justify your purchase. Thanks for sharing your story.
Wow good timing for me, thanks for this info, I have done the same computer swop as you for the same reasons, and had been looking for a new monitor. I had not thought of the LG monitors, hope I find one with the correct specs before we return from our Kalaghadi trip with amazing wildlife photos (I hope).
Hi Matt. I’m in the same boat deciding whether to wait for the new iMacs or go with the new MacBook Pro. My 2020 i5 MacBook Air can’t handle my A7R IV or X100V files and it would be so nice to not have to wait until I get home from a trip to do sorting and editing.
For the apple display, did you go with the regular or nano-textured glass screen? I like the idea of the textured glass but not the delicate cleaning process. I do a lot of printing. How are you finding the apple display for printing purposes?
Hi. I went with the regular non textured one.
Matt, If I were in your shoes I would have done exactly the same thing. Life is short, spoil yourself and enjoy.
Matt, I have read your article with great thought. I need to justify my spending, you have done that . Just have to pass it to budget control, the wife, thank You again Matt. Your fan base from the past 15 years.
Yay! You go, boy. You really didn’t need to rationalize it that much. It was obvious to me that it was/is perfect for you.
Matt, I enjoy your tutorials and I always learn sometime. With regard to your $6000 monitor I would have waited for the 32″ iMax with M1 chip to buy rather than the monitor. Just saying.
I needed a new laptop probably more than I needed a new iMac. And I’d rather have one computer than having a laptop and desktop.
I think you made the right choice. When I was a competitiva figure skater in the ’60’s my Coach insisted on a certain type of blades, which happened to be the most expensive. They served me well as my partner and I came in Second at Nationals. She know what she was talking about and when I finished college I married her. No regates!
I was building a new computer Dec 2021 and I faced similar angst over the price of the monitor I chose which I was comparing to the LGs and the Samsungs also.
My new build: PC – LGA 1200 11th Gen 10 Core, 128GB DDR4 @3600Mhz, RTX 3090, 24GB GDDR6x, 2-ThunderBolt 4, 3-DP 1.4a, 2-HDMI 2.1, 9-USB 3.2 Gen2, 2.5Gb & 10Gb Ethernet, 3-4TB M2 PCIE 4 NVMe SSDs, 2-8TB SSD, 2-16TB HDD.
I ended up choosing an Asus ProArt 4K IPS, 10bit, 120Hz, Quantum Dot, PA32UCG 32″ display which was a small bargain (1K$ less) compared to your apple but is an incredibly beautiful monitor with 98% DCI-P3, 99.5% Adobe RGB, 100% sRGB. It includes a factory calibration report demonstrating color accuracy of ΔE <1, 138ppi, 1000 cd/m2 (Sustained), and a contrast ratio of 1000:1 sustained. It is also capable of very decent gaming with a refresh rate of 144Hz in conjunction with DP 1.4 and much higher dynamic brightness (1600 cd/m2 and dynamic contrast ratio (100,000,000:1) as well as HDR. I bought this primarily for photo and video editing and am quite pleased with its uniformity, low reflection, and no stuck pixels. Photoshop and Painter both work quite well on this monitor as do videos.
The price initially made me question it, but I'm happy now. So – a high end alternative to the Apple.
I forgot to mention – it also comes with an ASUS ProArt i1 Display Pro Calibration hardware and software.
Also, the monitor comes with a snap on and off hood (sides and top – to cut down on stray light reflections), but with the very nice non-reflective matt screen I haven’t needed to use it.
I too have a brand new MacBook Pro and I ordered the LG screen you are referring to in November. It showed up a month early, just before Christmas, while I was out of town, so Apple’s 14 day return policy had run before I even opened the box. It is terrible! The screen constantly wavers from light to dark, and I can’t use the built in microphone or camera for Zoom conferences because there is a lag time and the sound quality is too poor. It is a complete waste of money and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.
I’m taking a color management class but have also bought your printing course. So very interesting and varied viewpoints. Here is what I have found. Apples use the P3 color space which is not quite as wide a gamut as Adobe RGB. This is why the iMacs are so contrasty and the shiny display just adds to that contrast. My matted Adobe RGB calibrated Dell monitor is perfect with smooth dynamic range and printing on the Epson P900 printer is perfect with each print- no test print needed. At school they have the $5000 iMacs, and they are not calibrated. We have to do multiple test strips and changes in PS to get to the right white balance and color. I am still a work in progress in learning the iMac way of doing things. So, who knows where I will be next year? Most likely still using my personal matted Dell laptop and staying away from those 5k screens.
Is this configuration available on the general market or is it special order from maybe B & H? Thanks…
Hi Matt, I’ve been holding off for a year waiting for the new 27″ Mac I have an 2016 which is so slow it was driving me crazy. Finally got the new MacPro same as yours on your recommendation. Its a bullet!!! I paired it with new Dell and I love the combination. Cant believe the difference in time spent on workflow. The Dell is fabulous, I find the colours and screen close to my Mac. It swivels, height adjustable. Would highly recommend it.
Hi Roz? What Dell? Is it a glass screen or Matte?
Its the 27″ Dell ultrasharp….glass
Dell U2720Q 27inch UltraSharp IPS 4K USB-C LED Monitor
Dell U2720Q 27inch UltraSharp IPS 4K USB-C LED Monitor, 3840×2160, 5ms, 1300:1 Contrast, 16:9, 350nits, HDMI, DisplayPort, 2x USB-C, USB3.1 Hub, USB3.0, VESA, H/Adjust, Tilt, Swivel, Pivot, HDR400, 99% sRGB
This is the full specs
YES,Roz, like Matt, what Dell monitor is it. I like the mat screen!
Matt-I purchased pretty much the same laptop as you did, except went for a 16″ screen, as I did not want to have a large accessory monitor due to travel. One of the best purchases I ever made!!
However, I’m not sure if I have set the display options correctly ie for Resolution, Brightness, Presets, Refresh Rates, and Night Shift. Please let us know your recommendations. Going forward, is there anything I should check on to ensure the display is doing what it should be doing? Thanks-you’re the greatest!!
Hi John. I don’t really change any of that so I’m probably not the best to ask. My experience is they work out of the box they way I want them too. But I tend to turn Night Shift off. The color doesn’t bother me personally. Thanks.
Thank you Matt for this article. I am procrastinating since the beginning of the year and that helps me a lot. Should I take the plunge and get the new laptop or wait for the new I Mac 27”? That is the question I am asking myself these days. So thank you for sharing your experience . I am so grateful for everything you are generously giving these past months. Gratitude. Ré
Matt – In January I moved from a 6 year old Windows computer to the exact same configuration for a 14″ MacBook Pro. It is fabulous and I have no reservations about the transition.
Matt, I think you made the only right decision. You are a pro doing pro level work and that justifies pro level gear. As an amateur I can only dream of the highest-level gear, but can’t justify. Besides your selection is a business purchase for and business use and therefore depreciable on your taxes. An amateur cannot do that, so can’t recoup any of the cost.
great choice. Good luck and enjoy.
Thanks for the information Matt – for you the new monitor definitely makes sense.
I am using an old 27″ Apple Cinema Now display (believe the first one that came out) which I had with my first Macbook with a newer 16″ 2019 Macbook Pro. I was searching for displays as well when I changed my laptop, and thanks to feedback I found on line and confirmed with Apple, by using the proper USB adaptor, it works great, The only thing I found I could not do was use the connection for Zoom, so for that I use my laptop in standalone mode. Do not know if this will work for newer M1 models, but if anyone has one of these old displays, they may want to look into connecting it to their newer Macbooks if they are not quite ready to buy a new monitor.
I’ve been looking at the LG monitor for some time now, but realize there are a number of different models with differing specs. Can you recommend a particular model that is best suited to us users of Photoshop etc.
Great talk, writing about what we do, day by day. I am a commercial photographer, 50 + years and also think of this life as being an amateur as well a pro . I have followed you since the Kelby days. You are one of the BEST !!! Clear and with good spirit .Keep it up ! Somehow we may meet someday. A class or retreat ? The monitor talk I feel really gave me your honest options and comments . Pure Matt K. Thank you -KenWagner / Seattle
Hi my dear.. enjoy your new laptop.. its your job and your pleasure.. My concern.. you are our teacher and with that beautiful laptop you are going to fly faster than any other. Are we going to be able to follow you? I am planning to upgrade to M1 Pro keeping the idea of using external drives
. My concern what could be a reasonable RAM memory > mine is currently 16 GB. IS that a good number still? THis year My goal is to go deep into LRC and PS. I already have a LG Screen (27UK850-W/2020) and my current laptop is my main computer.MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports. 2,7 GHz Intel Core i7 de cuatro núcleos.16 GB 2133 MHz LPDDR3.. jajaja. just sharing with you my thinking on Replacement. THe jump to M1, at least M1 Pro..
One thing to remember about the 4 Thunderbolt ports on the 2018 MacBook Pro, one of them is being used for power. With the newer MacBook Pro (at least the 2021 using M1 Pro or Max chips, they use an updated version of the MagSafe power connector. So you have three available Thunderbolt ports, PLUS an SD card reader. Since memory is all part of the processor, my option was to max out the RAM memory at 64 GB. By the way, I also have a 2019 16′ Intel based MacBook Pro, fully maxed out, but decided I wanted to ride the wave with the M1 chips — and waited for the processing power and memory that was announced late last year.
Funny enough, I am currently going to the exact same process as you did. Using a 2017 27″ iMac which I, now, feel quite slow compared to my macbook M1. However, since rumor says that Apple may release this year new iMac with M1 chipset, I believe I will wait until fog clears up. Thanks for your valuable insight!
I’ve been having the same angst. Your message is like the fabled sirens luring Ulysses. Chain me to the mast!
Did you ever consider using the iMac screen connected by cable to your MacBook?
I bought the same computer that MattK recommended and found an Apple adapter that allows me to use my iMac screen with the 14 inch MacBook Pro. I can no longer power my computer through the iMac screen. It seems to work fine for my needs.
I have been using the LG Ultrafine. I also have a Sabrent Thunderbolt Docking station. I have my display, ethernet cable and usb accessories connected to the Dock and an old Time machine Backup plugged into the display. When I travel I just unplug My MacBook Power cord, Docking station and external SSD drive and I am good to go. Works great. (I keep a spare Mac power supply in my bag for travel)
Matt I have been using windows all my life but would like to switch to apple. Since PS and Lightroom are on the web now, is it a hard thing to switch. Basically what challenges might I run into
What do you not like about The BenQ monitors? I heard they were supposed to be good for editing photos.
When I was looking for a second monitor to go with my excellent Dell, I ran across the Benq SW2700PT. WOW. Blew my Dell away. It is now my primary monitor. Yes, Benq makes some very fine monitors in my experience.
Got the same laptop but in 16″ (eyes aren’t as good as they used to be so even travelling I need the real estate…). Great laptop! I think I will wait until the rumoured new XDR apple monitor see if the price does drop, but if not, yeah doing the same thing Matt. Enjoy it!!
For me, as someone who wears glasses, I find nothing more irritating than reflections, so in my case, glossy is just plain out of the question. I do not work in a dark room when I sit at a computer (also all day most days), I have windows that cause light and things behind me to be reflected, so matte is the only option for me that doesn’t drive me insane.
But as you say, it’s a matter of personal preference.
I mean, I ended up buying a Kindle to read on just because the reflections on my iPad were driving me completly nuts to the point it wasn’t possible to read, despite my preference for the bigger screen!
Just as counterpoint to your experience/choice, but I wholeheartedly agree with your comment that if it’s something we use every single day, then money spent on it is never wasted.
Very interesting article. I use an external monitor with a mid 2012 Powerbook and calibrate it before editing. Will be looking for a new laptop soon so your specifications help a lot. I have used a High end LG monitor with calibration and screen colours are awesome. Switched to an ASUS IPS monitor and I calibrate.
Thanks Matt. One other question I’ve been wanting to ask. Do you still use the Wacom Intuos tablet? If so, have you considered doing a course on it?
Matt. please tell me what exactly the model of your new $5000 screen that you got from Apply. Thanks.
This mirrors my experience exactly – I was not able to pull the trigger until I realized that selling one lens that was used 4 times a year would fund the xdr display so I sold the lens and got a really good deal on ebay for a 2 month old used one and I am really enjoying it especially with the M1 laptop
Hey Matt, buy two!
Congratulations Matt! Who can fault your analysis – for you! As for the rest of us, you recommended the LG, but I wonder if you have any thoughts about the new 32″ and 27″ Dells, both boasting new IPS Black technology and contrast ratios of 2000:1. It’s a new LG technology, but apparently Dell has come to market with a product using it before LG. The 32 includes a hub and seems like a great unit. Too new for many reviews.
Hi Ronnie. I don’t have any info on it. Is it a glossy screen? If it’s not, it’s not something I even considered.
Ronnie, the Dell 32 inch you have referenced, has no mention in the tech notes of the color space percentage of Adobe RGB. It is most likely designed for workplaces and/or gamers. You want a monitor that is close to 100% of Adobe RGB color space!
I would disagree. No mere mortal human can see the difference if two screens were next to each other. And if Ronnie isn’t printing often, Adobe RGB has no purpose. Even if they are printing, it won’t make a difference.
Congrats, Matt. Thanks for sharing your thought process – I can totally relate. Enjoy your new purchases!
Thanks for the monitor ideas. I get my new MacBook Pro in a few days and am figuring out how I will use it to replace my iMac. When using the external monitor, do you use the MacBook Pro keyboard and trackpad or a separate one?
Hi. I use the same Apple keyboard and trackpad I used with my iMac. Thanks.
You deserve to have whatever you think will make you happy and move your business and/or hobby forward. I know you work hard. Just because a person enjoys their work doesn’t mean it isn’t hard!!
I think you DID make the right choice. After reading your blog, purchasing some of your programs and generally following you, I get the idea you are a prudent person. It is OK to “splurge” once in a while.
As you indicate, you will use and enjoy this every day (or almost) and that counts for a lot. Be Happy and enjoy what you have!
One rule I follow when I am in your situation is that once I make a similar type of purchase, i.e. “luxury” expenditure, I don’t look back and check other options or prices. I just accept it and find satisfaction in my decision.
Congratulations and I hope you use it in good health!
Thanks Jeff. I do the same thing. I haven’t looked at monitors, prices, etc… since then.