Hey everyone. Here’s your friendly neighborhood product update 🙂 I just figured I’d let you know the Lee 6-stop “Little Stopper” ND Filter I wrote about the other day just showed up as in-stock at B&H. Here’s the link if you want to grab one. Also, here’s the link to the 10-stop Big Stopper which is also in stock now. I have no idea how many they have or if they’ll sell out quickly like the 10-stop Big Stopper did (hopefully not). See ya!
In Stock Alert: The Lee Little Stopper 6-Stop Neutral Density Filter In Stock
May 1, 2014 | Gear | 7 comments
Hi. Same question as Allen Shapiro above – where can I buy the presets mentioned on Creative Live this week?
Hi, Where on your website can I buy your adjustment brush presets that you mentioned on Creative Live.
Seriously, why are folks so bent over to buy Lee products, when Formatt Hittech are whooping them in quality, price and availability. Chech out Formatt Hittech latest Firecrest filters and prepare to find a better performing product you can actually acquire.
Hi, thanks a lot for for all the incredible handy tips! It helped me a lot to understand, at least a little, the basics of digital photography!
I’m going to buy a Tiffen Variable ND filter (2-8 stops). Do you think i should still buy the Lee BS?
How handy your sessions on long exposures have been. Students on one of my classes have been wanting to learn about the technique. Never too old.
Awesome! Thanks Peter!
and now it’s out of stock.