
I’m heading up to steamy hot New Jersey for a mini-vacation with the family this week. And I thought Florida was hot!? I must have forgotten how bad summers can be here growing up. Look for me at Six Flags, the boardwalk, or Stuff Yer Face in New Brunswick 😉 Anyway, posted this on my Lightroom site but I figured I’d post here too. I’ve had a bunch of requests lately to update (to Lightroom 4) the Camera Profile presets that I released a couple of years ago, so here they are. These presets simply select the Camera Profiles that you’d normally select in camera (picture controls or picture styles that increase saturation, color, contrast). If you shoot in Raw though, those styles are discarded and left off of the raw file (which is why your raw file sometimes looks a little flat in Lightroom). But Lightroom has profiles that simulate those controls in the Camera Calibration panel in the Develop module.

The Best Way To Use Them
I get a TON of questions on how to apply these to multiple photos and I think the presets are one of the best ways to do that. Just select your favorite one in the Import dialog and it’ll be automatically applied to the photos so you don’t have to do it.

Read This Before Downloading
First things first… these presets only work with Raw files so don’t try them on JPEGs. There’s also 2 downloads here. One for Nikon and one for Canon (sorry if you use another brand but I had to go with the top two here). Give ’em a try. I think you’ll find them easier to click through (or even better, hover over and check them in the Navigator preview panel), rather than clicking on each profile in the Camera Calibration panel.

The Presets:

PS: Any comments reprimanding me for not including other cameras will be deleted. Just sayin’ 😉


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