The brush tool is such an essential part of my raw editing that I wanted to dedicate a video to some key tips and tricks for using it. I originally released this video as just Brush Tips and Tricks. But within the first day of the video being out, I had a ton of messages from people saying they had never known some of this tips. So I changed it a little 🙂
If you didn’t know them, great! I hope they become essential parts of your workflow and help you like they do me. And if you did know them… well… I’ll give your money back 😉
Thanks for a great video Matt. learnt a lot from it. I took a photo of the exact same spot at Flam from the restaurant dock.
Just watched your video on Brush Tips & Tricks – superb. All a bit of a revelation. The tips deal with a long standing problem. Many thanks
Matt…do you have any bundles or know of any bundles for brush effects in Lightroom.?
Hi Mickey – what brush effects are you looking for?
I was kind of interested in the brush effects you displayed in the video. I have downloaded the sunlight brushes you offered for free. I was just wondering if you had any more of those for sale. I have used LR for years and I have never used that brush feature before. You can teach an old dog new tricks! Thanks for all you efforts !
I recently purchased your new No Light?, No Problem course. In downloading the course lessons, I can see two downloads for lessons. One would take me into PS and Adobe Camera Raw and Elements.
One takes me to the lessons in LR which is what I use.
I can also see the download for the follow along file but this takes me into PS and Elements. I am unable to find the file for downloads that would take me to LR.
Please help. What am I missing or what do I do? Thanks.
Joann Phillips
Oh My Goodness, the best video EVER. I just got turned on to you! I’ve been an OnOne user since 2005 and upgrade every year. I also have Ps5 & Lr6. Thank you so MUCH for clearly articulating your process and procedures as you go through your movements. Not everybody is at the same level and pointing at what you’re talking about is always a blessing. Kudos on your videos.
Thanks Theresa – glad to help!
Matt, your tip for Auto Mask in PS does not work, Ctrl gives you the + to zoom in. This is too bad as it would be very handy to have instead of using the M key to toggle it off and on.
If you have some update on this please let me know.
Hi Bob. I believe I even said this only works in LR. I know I only showed it in LR, but I thought I mentioned that it doesn’t work in PS. No update to give. That’s just the way it works. Thanks!
Great Tips, thanks for the Video. I will try it soon on My pictures.