Lightroom System Update Page
Hi. This is where you can find information on the latest Lightroom System Updates.Â
1. Section 6, Lesson 5 – Distractions, Spots and Red Eye
2. Section 9, Lesson 1 –What is the Lightroom Cloud Version?Â
3. Section 9, Lesson 2 – Adding Photos to the Cloud VersionÂ
4. Section 9, Lesson 3 – Where are photos stored?Â
5. Section 9, Lesson 4 – Lightroom on the iPadÂ
6. Section 9, Lesson 5 – Editing PhotosÂ
7. Section 9, Lesson 6 – Sharing and Other DevicesÂ
8. 01-START-HERE-01-Which-Lightroom
Also, if you’d just like a cliff notes version of the updates, there is no reason to go watch your entire course again. Here is my full Lightroom Update video covering all the recent changes in one place.Â
Online Viewers
If you view the course online – HIGHLY suggested by the way – as it’s easier to navigate, keeps track of your progress, and no setup required. Just log-in to your account (click My Account in top right of this page), and click on “My Online Courses” and you can watch the Photoshop System there. It’s a much better way to view a course.
If you are someone that downloads the course, then follow these steps:
Step 1: Click the Download Updates button below. This will download 1 file to your computer. When upzipped, it contains the 8 updated videos and updated course outline.
Step 2: You can watch these videos and leave the files anywhere on your computer that you like. Or, if you want to keep things tidy, you can use the updated course outline  to place the files in the correct location.
Thanks and enjoy!