
Here’s a tip that went over in a HUGE way when I first showcased it in my ON1 Essential Guide to Landscapes Course. When ON1 added Layers in the 2019 version, the workflow changed quite a bit. Before layers, you never had to worry about what part of a photo you added an Effect to. Why? Because there really was only one layer when you went in to Effects. But now with ON1 Photo 2019, you can have multiple layers (think sky replacements, compositing, textures, etc…). So let’s say you want to add a Vignette or Glow to a sky replacement image. What layer will it get applied to – the sky? The foreground?

Well, in this tip we cover exactly that topic. How to make sure that your effects get applied to the entire image instead of just a layer that’s only part of the photo. Enjoy!


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