This past week, while on our weekly talk show The Grid, Brad Moore pointed me to my photo website find of the week. It’s called Nomadic Vision. The first word that came out of my mouth when I saw it was “WOW!”. It’s a website by Jon & Tina Reid, with photos and stories of their travel adventures. Now, once you get past the portfolio work on the website (which is stunning btw…) they also have a blog site. It’s updated pretty frequently and they’ve got lots of stories and even some written guides on how to photograph some of the places that they’ve been.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Matt – 1. Awesome site. Thanks for the link.
2. They use “4ormat” for their portfolio design. Come on dude, how can you not use that for yours, just for the lolz? “Matt’s portfolio by 4ormat”. Winning.
Hey Matt, if you’re in London with some time to kill between workshops, I’d love to take you to some of London’s photogenic sites, or if I’m not around, make a suggestion for a few locations.
That’d be awesome. I’ve never been there but hope to make it over sometime soon. Will definitely let you know if I do. Thanks 🙂
Hi Matt – just switched on my computer for the first time this weekend and saw a google+ reference to this blog. Thanks so much for the mention! The irony of being referred to as inspirational from someone I find inspirational made my weekend. Looking forward to more great advice and inspiration (and tomfoolery) from you on the Grid.
Thanks Jon! I love your work!