
In this free Photoshop and Lightroom tutorial, follow along with me as I show you how to edit this fun family portrait from start to finish.

I’ve also included step-by-step instructions to make it easier for you to follow along with this Lightroom tutorial. Click Here to download the RAW file to follow along with this Photoshop and Lightroom tutorial.

In Lightroom

  1. Open the Raw file in Lightroom and go to the Develop module
  2. In the Basic panel adjust Exposure to 1.05, Contrast to 9, Whites to 13 and Blacks to -10
  3. Grab the Brush tool and adjust Clarity to 38.
  4. Paint over the hair and clothing to bring out details.
  5. Zoom into the face and in the Detail panel adjust the Amount to 84, Radius to 1, Detail to 51, and Masking to 22.
  6. Grab the Spot Removal Brush and paint over the area of the boys face that has a scrape.
  7. In the Lens Correction panel, click on the Profile tab and turn on Enable Profile Corrections.
  8. Click on the Radial filter and set the Temp to 36 and Exposure to .91.
  9. Draw a Radial in the upper right of the photo and check Invert Mask.
  10. Adjust the Dehaze slider to -7.
  11. Open the color picker and select a color swatch to add some warmth.
  12. Click on the New tab and draw another radial over the faces of the subjects.
  13. Adjust Exposure to – .74.
  14. Grab the Brush tool and select Teeth Whitening from the Preset drop-down.
  15. Zoom into the teeth and paint over them, adjust Saturation to -31.
  16. Portion of the Photoshop Tutorial
  17. Add a new blank layer.
  18. Grab the Spot Healing Brush tool (J).
  19. Turn on Sample all Layers
  20. Paint over any spots you want to remove.
  21. Go to the File Menu and select Save.
  22. Go back to Lightroom

In Photoshop

  1. Press Ctrl-J (Mac: Command-J) to duplicate the layer.
  2. Go to the Image Menu and select Adjustment>Color Lookup.
  3. In the Color Lookup dialog experiment with the different files available, click ok when you find one you like and adjust the Opacity as needed.

 Or In ON1 Effects

  1. Click on Presets and in the Hipster section (the Faded and Matte section is another of my favorites).
  2. Experiment with the different Presets.
  3. Adjust the Opacity as needed.

Finishing it up

  1. Back in Photoshop, adjust the Opacity and go to the File menu and select Save.
  2. This send you back to Lightroom.
  3. Grab the Brush tool and change the Exposure to .25 and the Saturation to -13, paint over the man’s face.



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