
Over the years I’ve learned to never believe the weather forecast. I looked at my weather app the morning I was getting up to shoot Sand Harbor at Lake Tahoe and this what I saw. Clear skies forecasted for sunrise.


Now, I would never let that stop me from going out shooting. But it sure does help me reason to myself to sleep in for an extra 15-20 minutes thinking there’s no clouds in the sky to catch any color during twilight/pre-sunrise time. Luckily, it was my first morning on the west coast so my internal clock had me awake and ready to go early. And boy am I glad. Because this is what I was treated to.

(click to see the photo larger)

This was take at Sand Harbor, just down the road from the photos I posted a couple of weeks ago from Bonsai Rock. I was the only one there. In fact, I never saw another person for an entire 2 hours, until my friend Karen showed up. I love shooting with other people, but sometimes, on mornings like this, it’s just nice to enjoy it alone.

The photo was processed with Lightroom and onOne’s new Perfect Effects 8 Dynamic Contrast preset. Here’s the Gear/Settings:
• Canon 5D Mark III
• Canon 24-105mm lens
• Tripod: Really Right Stuff TVC-33
• Ballhead: Really Right Stuff BH-55
• Aperture: f/11
• Shutter Speed: 2.5 sec
• ISO: 100

Have a good one!


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