Both Lightroom and Photoshop Camera Raw have some really powerful masking tools to help make selections for us automatically. One of those tools is fairly new and doesn’t get talked about nearly enough, but it’s actually a tool I use more often than most. It’s the “Object” option when creating a new mask. It’s really simple to use and can be combined with all of the other masking tools for some really precise selections. Enjoy.
Find out more about my presets:
Matt’s Landscape/Wildlife AI Adaptive Presets:
Matt’s Portrait AI Adaptive Presets:
Congratulations! Very good tip.
Much appreciated Matt,
I was losing my way with this option,
You have solved the mystery, thank you
This old timer takes a little longer 🙂
………………. Gary
When selecting the leaves, after the substract sky, try subtract color to get an even more precise selection.
Kudos, Matt! You’ve presented a well-thought out variety of instances where using the object tool in masking makes for better and more precise adjustments, especially in combination with other tools within the masked area.
ComPlease, do you have a preset for blurring the background, when I select the background I can change the exposure, light, colors, but there is no option to blur the background anywhere.
Thank you in advance
M. Pilát Czech Republicment *
Hi. That feature is not possible in Lightroom.
Can this not be done with the new Lens Blur feature?
Give it a try. That feature works well about 2 out of every 10 tries for me. Usually looks fake but you never know.
Thanks, great reminder about the object selection tool.
Thank you for being so generous with sharing your knowledge. i have been ill and not able to create much with my photos but I’m hoping I can pick up my camera again soon. Your videos bring joy to me. It’s like reading a good food recipe, I can enjoy the thought of it without cooking.
Great info Matt.
Would also be great if there was additional info on adding /subtracting color, luminance and intersecting.
Thank you, Matt. Excellent advice and easy to follow.
Great Many thanks.
Was an excellent video. Have used it several times since I saw it. You are an excellent teacher.
Wow! Missed that tool completely! I think I’m going to use that a lot.
Hi,Matt,have you got a Masking vidio
As with your class in Arlington, Tx. on LR 3, this video is awesome. I learn so much every time I watch your vids.
Another creative mini-tutorial! Please keep them coming?
Fantastic video Matt! I’ve probably looked at the tool a thousand times and never used it but I assure you I will be using it now. Thank you!!
I’m a Ps (vs. Lr) user. How do you think this Object Masking feature (in ACR) compares to the Object Finder (Ps Options Bar) in Ps? Thx for the video.
Hi Rob. Similar but different ways to use the tools and different possibilities of uses since one is in Photoshop. If you don’t need Photoshop then you should do this masking and adjustments in LR. Thanks.
I have most of your LrC/PS videos. You’re free videos, like this one, are really great. You explain things so well using plain, common everyday language, which not everyone does. Your value for $$ is great!! Thanks Matt!!
This was incredibly helpful for masking. Thanks!
Thank you Matt! I have been playing and using this tool occasionally but after watching this video, I will be using it much more effectively! You always have nuggets to teach and I always have something to learn. Cheers!
Thanks for this video, Matt. You have once again focused on a sometimes (often?) overlooked LR tool that is perfect for certain circumstances. Great reminder and explanation of the object tool!
Another great video!
Thanks for all of the tips!
Thank you!
Great video Matt!! Thank you.
Just like adaptive presets, when you’re in the Develop module and use the “previous” button to work on an image that’s similar to one you just worked on using a mask, Lr creates a new mask for that image based on the settings you used for the previous image. It’s magic!
Love the Jenny Farm in Woodstock, Vt. In the fall.
Thanks for taking the time to present this useful video.
Excellent. Thanks Matt.
Thanks Matt , this is very usefull
Excellent. Thanks Mark.
Great tutorial, concise and informative – THANKS
Good job. Your videos are always informative. Thanks.
Thanks nice reminder and refresher on the tool
High Time to update your masking course with these new features.
As always, simply and good explanation of the “subject”. 🙂
Thanks Matt, a really useful tutorial which I have already made use of.
Brilliant-thanks, Matt.
thanks really use full
Exciting. Hope you can explain in the future when to use masking in ACR versus the object selection AI tools now in Photoshop itself – especially the “select every object” tool that was added.
As a newish user, getting confused how to choose which tools to use – whether some are obsolete or need to keep track of “best tool for the job” depending on the adjustments desired?
As always, your tutorials are clear and enlightening! Great reveals without clutter.
Thank you
Great presentation.
This was a GREAT video !! Thank you very mush. Have used quite a lot these mask tools, but did not find this.
I got a lot of great information out of this video, anxious to try some of these.
Thanks again Matt
A great, clear and concise presentation of the new masking capabilities in LR and PS. Thanks Matt!
Thank you!! I really appreciate this demo…
Hi Matt,
Thanks as usualfor a clear, concise presentation. I’ve found that object selection someworks better than selecting the subject either with masking or using the object selection tool in Photoshop. I saw briefly in your video where you went to change the size of the brush and got an “increase rating”. That’s happened to me and I’m not sure why – is it something I’m doing or is it a problem with the software?
Matt, maybe should show that you could subtract that leftover sky – in your tree example, by using a brush (Subtract), turn on Auto Mask and click in blue. or add the rest of the brides dress the same way doing an Add brush with Auto Mask on. cheers
Hi Matt
Once again, thank you
Very much appreciated.
Thank you SO much. I love you videos. I am learning so much from you.
Matt-Great overview of the “Object Selection” tool! Thanks!
You are amazing. You make the complex simple. Thank you.
as for the dress in the forth image do new object mask then intersect with luminance mask as railing is dark and dress is light. if luminance intersection on dress does not work well you can dit on railing then inverte
Thanks Matt…that was really helpful. I also just went through the No Light…No Problem videos. Wow…that was a game changer for me. I’ve gone back to re-edit so many photos with really good results. I have not been paying attention to the Object mask…that will change.
Hi Matt – I’ve been using the Object masking tool more and more. I find the select Subject mask over-selects and then requires a lot of clean up. E.g., for a bird on a branch where 1/2 of the bird is above the branch and 1/2 is below, using the Object select for the top, then doing an Add and adding the bottom of the bird with the object select works great, is fast, and requires minimal clean-up. Thanks for your concise and useful videos.
I was having fun, yesterday, variously combining Subject and Object selection with color and luminosity selecting (add, subtract or intersect) to selectively separate the focus of the image from the background or to tone down a distracting element. And, the linear gradient with a wide transition got used improving areas that did not have a linear edge. The masking tools in Lightroom are amazing in their versatility. But, now I have so-o-o-o many images I can go back to and improve.