
Today, Adobe has announced and released a new version of Lightroom Classic (and Photoshop too). This new version has totally changed the way I edit in Lightroom. And it’s been so hard to sit on this new feature for the last few months because every time I do a video, I know it would be so much easier and better if I could have just shown you the new features that were coming.

Well… they’re here and I’ve got you covered with long and short videos on what’s new in Lightroom Classic. The first video is a longer “Deep Dive” in to the new Masking and Brush/Gradient changes. The second video is a quick 5 minute “Just show me what’s new” video.

Updating Your Apps

You may have to refresh your Creative Cloud Updater app or even restart your computer to see the updates. Click here to see a video I did on this.

If you don’t see the updates… DO NOT POST HERE. They roll out over 24 hours and nobody here can help you if you’ve already restarted your computer. Enjoy!


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