A while back, Photoshop changed the way the Save window works by defaulting it to the Cloud. That means you either accidentally save your photo there, or you have to click on the option that allows you to save it to your computer. I know I’m not alone in this, but I don’t want my photos saved to the cloud. When I’m using Photoshop I generally want them saved to my computer. Thankfully, there’s an option to help and we’ll take a look at it in this week’s video.
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I don’t use Photoshop a lot so haven’t noticed the save issue. But thanks for the heads-up.
Great job! Thanks for the terrific tips. They were driving me crazy as well.
Thank you Matt for showing the file handling in Lightroom Classic, it was very much appreciated. The Lightroom Cloud version is very sneaky , I don’t like it when Adobe start bulling me into something I don’t want . When I want to use Lightroom, the Cloud version appears it driving me nuts. I have tried to disable it without success should I delete it? Is there a way that I can have the Classic version as the primary one.I would appreciate it if you could help please.
Cheers. Michael Donovan.
Hi Michael. I’m not sure how to answer this. Bullying is an odd word for something you have complete control over. Whatever program you click on on your computer is what will open. And if you don’t want the cloud version you have the option to delete from your computer so there are no mistakes right?
Hi Matt. Thank you for your quick reply. I appreciate that bulling is a bit strong , but frustration got the better of me. I like yourself and it appear many of your followers was getting increasingly frustrated with Adobe . Your ability to sort the save to cloud mess out was genius. I’m always a bit nervous going into the gubbins of programs in case I mess up . I followed your advice and got it sorted, thank you. I think I’ll delete the cloud version if I can’t get Classic to fire up first . Also Matt the books you and associates produced a few years ago were invaluable to me ,just to have one at the side of the computer when working on PS . Is there any chance that you will be able to continue this in the future .
Thanks! In the future just try not think that every feature addition or change is meant maliciously – they are not. They are good people trying to provide you with good software. Thanks!
Hi Matt. I’m knocking on to 80 years old ,so the future for me is getting past tomorrow.I acknowledge your point about the people working for Adobe there’re good and clever. It’s just some of there costumers aren’t that smart. In my opinion if they had included an option to click on in the cloud version to save to computer, all this hassle would have been avoided .Also they could have made it simple to keep Classic as a primary option. I think in todays vocabulary it’ called thinking out side of the box. I have followed your advice and red most of your books over the years and enjoyed it. Thank you .
But they did include a button. The very window we’re all talking about has a button that you can click on if you didn’t want the cloud option. And now we know there’s even a preference to make that permanent.
Hi Matt. I’m knocking on to 80 years old ,so the future for me is getting past tomorrow.I acknowledge your point about the people working there’re good and clever. It’s just some of there costumers aren’t that smart. In my opinion if they had included an option to click on in the cloud version to save to computer, all this hassle would have been avoided .Also they could have made it simple to keep Classic as a primary option. I think in todays vocabulary it’ called thinking out side of the box. I have followed your advice and red most of your books over the years and enjoyed it. Thank you .
Thank you do much for these tips!! I ran to my computer to apply them in photoshop
Oh hurray! Thank you for showing how to set the computer as the default!
Recently wondered why there was no jpg choice. Now I know! Thanks for these 3 tips. Got ’em all fixed the way I like. Matt,
you are the best!!!!
Awesome. Thank you.
I have used Photoshop since 2005 and saved files onto my computer. I watched your commentary 3 times and I am still unsure about where I am with this method. My default file location is CREATIVE CLOUD. I have been choosing SAVE AS, SAVE A COPY, & choosing JPG, and it goes to my computer. Occasionally, not always, I get a menu that says CREATIVE CLOUD at the top & I choose at the bottom to SAVE ON MY COMPUTER, but most of the time that menu does not appear. Confused.
When I click on Photoshop to find preferences it is not there. Do you have any idea why it would not be there. I am using PS 2023 on my MAC. I’ve always been able to find it there before.
I do not.
This has addressed a lot of confusion on the Save options. But also let me know how I can use the legacy settings. Thank you
I have used Photoshop since 2005 and saved files onto my computer. I watched your commentary 3 times and I am still unsure about where I am with this method. My default file location is CREATIVE CLOUD. I have been choosing SAVE AS, SAVE A COPY, & choosing JPG, and it goes to my computer. Occasionally, not always, I get a menu that says CREATIVE CLOUD at the top & I choose at the bottom to SAVE ON MY COMPUTER, but most of the time that menu does not appear. Confused.
I have PS ’23 & experienced the same thing but went “save a copy” & I could choose the file format in both boxes. I deleted the word “copy” & inserted my own words eg ed, then opened the file to where I wanted to save the image then clicked “save”. It was then saved in a named file.
Don’t know why PS creators want to be clever. I think they are trying to make money out of the Cloud storage version. I refuse to make the cloud owners rich.
very helpful, thank you
Thank you sooo much Matt. You’re the best.
Again very helpful, thank you.
I ran into this problem Friday night and it made me crazy!
Thanks so much for the tips!
Thanks so much for the tips, Matt!
Thanks for pointing this preference setting out! I also did not like have to click through another window to do local saves and I appreciate you showing that there was a way to set it. As always, great info Matt.
What do you — or any of your followers — think of the BIG BLUE SHARE button? We fought loudly to get it removed from Acrobat but now the blue pimple share-fetish button seems to be creeping into the other apps. In fact, I personally downgraded from the 2022 Photoshop update because of this feature. I’m fine with sharing but adding another distracting, guilt inducing button like this one infuriates me. What are your thoughts? Thanks! (And if they have given us an option to eliminate that in a subsequent update, let me know.)
Hi Matt,
When I go to File Handling in PS, I do not see a Default File Location. Do you know why? Thanks, Diane
I do not.
Thanks for the Creative Cloud explanation! I sure wish Adobe would treat us like adults and give us information to decide if we want these changes instead of deciding for us, but at least now I know. I didn’t know about “legacy Save As” either although when the new “Save As” system first went appeared I looked it up and read that Adobe had no choice but to make that change because of some changes to Apple’s OS. Don’t know what happened in the meantime (or maybe that was incorrect information that someone put on an Adobe forum) but glad to know there’s a way to roll back to the older way.
Thank you! This has been a pain in the ___ but I had not researched to see if there was a way around it.
Thank you for this one, I really needed to know this.
Thanks for this tip Matt, the changes had been causing me some frustration.
Wow! Thanks for the tips Matt.
Thank you very, very much!
Thanks… I needed this tip
I am running Photoshop 24.1.1. When I click on the upper left Photoshop tab, I do not get a “Preferences” option like you do. I get “Settings” and it gets me to where you show in your video and I am able to accomplish what you describe.
Why the difference?
Hi, Matt. Thanks for that tip about saving PS files. The new cloud-centric “feature” was raising my blood pressure.
I have yet another PS saving question. I almost always open files in PS from LR Classic. When I do this the first time, and the file is converted from a DNG to a TIF, the new PS file shows up automatically in my LR catalogue.
But if I later open that PS file from LR, make changes, and use Save As to save the file with a new name (to keep my PS version history intact), the new file doesn’t automatically show up in the LR catalogue. I have to go through the annoying process of going to the file’s folder (usually by right-clicking on an older version of the file), then right-clicking on the folder and selecting Synchronize Folder, and finally importing the file into LR.
Is there any way around this?
Hi Henry. When you go from LR to PS, if you want your changes back in LR you can’t choose “Save As” – just Save. Thanks.
I wish Adobe would not try forcing me to use Creative Cloud. I work on my computer and nowhere else. Thanks so much for these tips, Matt.
Great! Thank you, Thank you!!!!!
Thank you! I was struggling with the same problem. Now I think I have the hang of it! Thanks again.
Thanks Matt. It realy saves time when you have many files to process.
Thank you so much for the tip! Both of those things have been driving me crazy too!
Does this mean we should repeat the exercise of visiting all the preferences me can find and look to understand every setting what it does and change the default to what we want. I have done that with LrC looking under right clicks. Exhausting but often find a cool feature that is new to me.
Great tip. It was driving me crazy too
I changed the shortcut key combo for CTRL+SHIFT+S to save copy as and i am now used to doing that so will keep it that way. almost never go FILE > Save as or Save a Copy now always key combo
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Hi Matt,
Thank you for the great tip. That has also been driving me crazy. Another note, when you delete files from creative cloud, I believe you also need to empty the trash can or the files continue to take of space.
Thanks again for another great tip!
THANK YOU! I thought I was losing my mind (along with a lot of work).
Two annoyances GONE. Thank you.
Thank you!!
Terrific. Thanks for solving the mystery for me!!
Thank you for the tip on how to not inadvertently save to creative cloud. I want control of my photos, and like you do not want them in Adobe’s Creative Cloud
Finally a solution to something has been annoying ever since the change was made to saving images. Thank you very month
thank you very “much”!
After I scrolled down through the comments, I noticed that some individuals indicating that they are running Windows 11 and could not find these File Handling options. I am running Windows 11 and Photoshop CC 24.1.1. I have those options under File Handling. I tried to do a screenshot but it would not work.
In Windows 11 and Photoshop, to get to the “legacy use”, go into “Export”. There is an option “Use legacy ‘ExportAs'”
Matt. Thanks for all these tips!!!
Great tip. However, on my Photoshop, when I go to file handling it does not have the box for default file location. On my wife’s version it does have this box and it works great.
We love all your tips and classes.
I’m using the beta version on Win 11 and the first time I looked, it wasn’t there, but when I closed it then opened it again and looked again it was. Odd.
Opened it again this morning and it is still not there. ???
Thank you so much for these 2 tips. It was driving me mad to have to constantly click to “Save to Computer”. Being able to see .jpeg when you do a “Save As”. was most helpful.
Good old Adobe….things that we have been doing for years just changed in an instant…..photoshop is complicated enough without changing things around.
Thanks for these useful tips Matt!
Every software company does it. It’s not limited to adobe 🙂
Wow, great tips Matt as I look to finally upgrade from CS6 to PS CC!
I’ve delayed the upgrade due to the monthly subscription cost, but also because of the changes Adobe keeps making to the software. Your demonstration of how Adobe techs modified the default settings in the Save and Save As functions are illustrative of this problem. A cynical person might presume they did this to garner even more revenue from unsuspecting photographers, so they are forced to buy more gb on the cloud, or more correctly… Adobe’s servers and computers!
Priceless time-saving tips as always. Keep up the great work!
Frederic in Montréal
While the cynics will always be out there, it’s important to remember that real people actually work at these companies. I personally know people who work on the PS and LR team. And while making money will ALWAYS be a priority for EVERY company in the world, I can say that the engineers truly want to build useful software. I believe they’re trying to help people see a benefit they get for free with their subscription that many don’t even know about. Remember, many people use Photoshop besides photographers and this is a very useful sharing feature for them. Forcing people to do something that they don’t know about, in hopes that it forces them to pay more money never works – and Adobe is a smart enough company to realize that. Thanks!
I never see this. (And yes, my default file save location under File Handling is still Creative Cloud.) Perhaps it’s because I always approach Photoshop through Lightroom? So Ctrl-S saves the file to Lr, without any annoyance or reference to clouds creative or otherwise. Could this be the reason?
Yep. Many people who use Photoshop (probably the vast majority of them) don’t go into it through LR though. And for me… Often I come back from a wildlife shoot with 200-300 photos – and I open them up in Bridge because I know there’s only one photo that I want to share from the shoot – and the rest just get deleted because they look almost the same. If it wasn’t an amazing shoot, I simply don’t keep the photos or clutter LR with them.
Also, people often send me photos which again, I’d never bring in to LR.
And finally, there are hundreds of graphics I create for the website, emails and the business which also cause me to open Photoshop directly without having an image in LR.
Thank you for this video! You’ve saved me (and I bet a lot of others) from a couple very frustrating changes in Photoshop. Great info you just gave us!
Yes! Any shortcuts are greatly appreciated!
Thank you so very much for the info on the save feature. I had not been on here for a while and got so frustrated the other night when trying to save my changes. Like you, I do not want my photos saved to the cloud. Thank you.
Thanks Matt… perfect timing!! I was in the middle of a project with the updated photoshop when I discovered the Save As problem. When I finished the project, I was going to send an email asking about it. This video answered my question. Again THANKS
No light no problem is the best course EVER! Really opened my eyes on editing photos that I thought were junk.
Hi Matt
Thanks for your many great tips.
This looks so helpful – however, I cannot find the Default file location option on the Windows version, maybe one of your readers can help?
Hi Matt
Like Chris said I cannot find this tip on a Windows PC either. So frustrating.
Thank you for all of your tips and tricks though, love them.
Like a couple of others, that option is not available under “File Handling”. I assumed that it was because I did not have the latest update (24.1.1), so I downloaded it and installed, but the option is still not there.
This doesn’t show up on my Windows PC (Windows 11) Photoshop Preferences. Why would that be different from a MAC?
This is BRILLIANT! Matty K, you’re the Best! Too bad my sanity left the building long ago…but there’s still time for the rest of you.
Ha! I’m with you!
Oh God …. thanks a zillion!!
Mystery solved! Thank you!
THANK YOU!!! This has driven me crazy. Really appreciate you taking time to share these hints.
Thanks for the fix. This was driving me nuts.
Thank you ?
Thank you! These are great tips and both or things that have been driving me crazy!
I have saved things in the cloud by mistake and I get tired of forgetting to click save a copy and having to cancel
and go back. I will change both of these right now!
Thank you SO much for the Photoshop fixes. That Save As issue is so bothersome and the Saving to the Cloud also has been an annoyance.
You’re the best!
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am glad to have the old “Save As” back.