In this video we’ll look at what’s new in Lightroom Classic 8.4 (the August 2019 update). Lightroom has added features such as GPU Acceleration and performance updates when editing your photos or viewing on a 4K screen. You can Batch Process HDR and Panorama stacks and export PNG files. You can also add color labels to Collections.
What’s New in Lightroom 8.4 (August 2019 Update)
Aug 14, 2019 | Lightroom, Tutorials | 24 comments
fantastic AS ALWAYS! I have the new update, however, the stack option is not listed under My Photo list. I am on 8.4 Release.
What a fabulous update! The stacking feature coupled with the ability to batch process many HDR sets is a real time saver. This is worth the price of the software alone.
Thanks Matt for yet another clear and simple video.
I updated LR yesterday on a fully loaded 2018 iMac Pro running OSX 10.13.6.
Now I find that it fails every time I try to import a video. Hangs for a long time, then says it cannot reach the Link Server.
GPU does not work (greyed out), and now this MAJOR loss of function. Is there a fix for this??
Either roll back to 8.3 or turn off GPU
Further research, and some help from an Adobe engineer on Facebook. We discovered that the “link server” process was running with 100% cpu being taken (this is on a 20 processor iMac Pro, so 100% really means one of the twenty was spinning).
Deleted the process, and the video import worked fine. However, at the end of the import, the process was again hung.
Created a virgin user on the same computer and tried there. Worked fine, and the process returned to 0% CPU after the import. Returned to my normal account and tried again. Works fine… once… then the process hangs and cannot be communicated with again until I use the Activity Monitor to delete the process, so it can import ONCE again…
Thanks Matt, great and clear information as usual.
Hi Matt,
Any chance that Adobe will release a stand-alone non web-based version of Lightroom with a perpetual licensing of the version?
Adobe has answered this many times and the answer is no. The last version of Lightroom that could be purchased with a perpetual license is v6. Many folks do not like the subscription license but Adobe is very happy with it for obvious reasons.
There are also millions of happy customers with it as well, not just Adobe 🙂
Matt, sorry I did not intend to imply that customers don’t like it too. I am VERY happy with the continuous improvement that the subscription model allows. I heard at PSW that Adobe now has more subscribers than they previously had with the perpetual model so obviously customers like it as well 🙂
No worries. Some of the people that don’t like it, often will say “well everyone hates it” because they have like minded friends that may not like it as well. But in reality, as you know, the vast majority love it. Glad you enjoy it 🙂
Thanks for the great update. Your videos are always clear and have great information
Informative… thanks! Sound was good here.
Thanks. It’s fine on my computer, phone, tablet, etc… so I can’t quite figure out what they’re hearing or not.
good info, sound was fine
Thanks Matt, always very clear & helpful
Matt: Is Lightroom still available as a stand-alone program without the cloud storage? And if so how do I purchase a copy? One last question, I use photoshop elements. Are there any advantages to also having Lightroom?
You can pick up a copy here:
I would highly recommend against this. This version is very old and will no longer be updated. Go with the 9.99 plan from Adobe and you’ll never regret it for the quality of software and price point.
Hi Bill. No LR is not available as a standalone unless you want to purchase the version that’s 5 years old which I wouldn’t suggest. Yes, there are advantages to LR over elements when it comes to raw processing power/features and organization.
My suggestion is to go with the 9.99 photography plan from Adobe that includes LR Classic and PS if you decide to go with LR. It’s the best software for the best price you’ll find anywhere. Thanks.
Informative, but sound is not as good as it normally is?
Why does my LR Classic have the “GPU For image processing” greyed out?
I am on an iMac Pro 2017, 27″ 5760X3240 main display. Graphics shows as Metal:AMD Radeon Pro Vega 64 with 16GB VRAM.
That seems like it should be powerful enough to support this GPU processing acceleration?
If on Auto, I am told “basic acceleration is enabled”
Because your graphics accelerator does not support the new feature. I had the same problem and finally did contact Adobe support.
The software “knows” if your GPU can support the new feature and if it can’t, you cannot change it.
My GPU is listed as supporting the new feature, an NVidia GeForce GTX 780 with 3GB VRAM but that device will only support Basic Acceleration.
Hope that helps/
It won’t let me check ‘use gpu for image processing’. I am on version 5.