Every couple of months or so, Adobe releases small updates to Lightroom. Basically, when new features are ready, they add them. Rather than wait 12-24 months and release them all at once.
This week Lightroom received a few changes, namely the Texture slider. It’s located near the Clarity and Dehaze sliders and people are already LOVING this new adjustment.
You can watch the video below to learn more about it and the other updates.
Thanks Matt, these little tutorials are fantastic, as they are so easy to apply, have great effect but unless pointed out and demonstrated in simple ways, these tools are often overlooked.
I appreciate how you always make thing see simple. You are a wonderful teacher.
I appreciate your help always.
Your tutorials are always so helpful! Thanks for your expertise and sharing of your knowledge.
Hi Matt..thanks for this great tutorial. I used the texture slider to soften facial features but there was too much noise and had no success.I tried to denoise first, but had no success. Can you recommend a denoise app? Thanks
Hi Shari – Lightroom (the Detail panel) is the best program out there for removing noise.
Thanks Matt! As always, very helpful. Wasn’t sure what the texture vs clarity difference was and why I would use one over the other. Texture looks more useful. THX!
Congratulations on having your tutorials included in the mobile app!
It seems like the healing brush in the mobile app is much better than it was before. Is that just my imagination?
Any word on the iPad Pro Photoshop app? I can’t wait for that.
Hi Larry. Not sure about that. To Adobe’s detriment, they often update things and make them better but don’t really let people know. Anyway, not sure about the Photoshop app. Thx.
Hi Matt –
How in the world did you get your adjustment mask overlay color(s) so vivid?! I think this would be quite helpful to those of us who have to squint to perceive the colors with the existing masks.
Hi Tim. I don’t believe you can actually change the color. I guess it depends on the color of whatever it’s overlaying on top of. But there isn’t a setting to change the color.
Not sure if this is what you’re asking, but shift+O will cycle local adjustment mask overlay colors
Could also be that your opacity is set over on your brush