
Should We Be Upset at Adobe (Frame of Mind Ep. 15)

This week Blake Rudis and I teamed up for a podcast on the changes to Adobe’s Terms of Service. How to Listen/Watch You can listen to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google. Or you can watch it below. The podcast is NOT intended to be visual in any...

Q&A on Adobe’s New Terms of Service

Hi all. If you’ve heard of Adobe’s Terms of Service updates and had any questions, I did a few things this week to hopefully help out. To be honest, while I hate drama and conspiracy theorists, I’m almost glad this happened because it forced me to...

Am I Still Using Lightroom (and which version?)

Every time I release a tutorial, and it shows Lightroom Classic, I get asked the same question a bunch of times: Matt… Are you still using Lightroom (Cc, Cloud, or whatever you want to call it – though it is just called Lightroom), or are you back to using...

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