by Matt K Photography | Nov 27, 2012 | Gear
A few weeks ago I posted about how I was looking for a new “in the field” photography gear bag. Well, I’m happy to say that thanks to all of you, I found one… actually two. Why Two Bags? I realized that I had some pretty specific requirements....
by Matt K Photography | Oct 17, 2012 | Gear
I had a few people ask me yesterday (after the Story Behind the Photo post) about which bag I carry when I’m out in the field. That’s easy! I’ve had the same bag for years now and, no matter how many other bags I try, I find myself going back to this...
by Matt K Photography | Jul 20, 2012 | Gear, Photography
If you’re looking for some weekend viewing then I’ve got two shows you’ve got to see if you’re a photographer. A few months ago, RC Concepcion and I did a series of photography shows on DTown TV on our favorite lenses. We went over lenses for...
by Matt K Photography | Jul 9, 2012 | Gear, Reviews
We’re through! Yup, I’m done with my revered Nikon 14-24mm lens for now. Everyone loves this lens and it definitely has served me well over the years, but I’m moving on. I’ve been thinking about the Nikon 16-35mm lens for a while now so rented...