After sending out my new features videos for Photoshop and Lightroom, I received a lot of questions. One of those common questions led me to create a video on the Adobe DeNoise feature that’s in Camera Raw (but not in Lightroom). I had a lot of people asking how to use Lightroom and some of the new Camera Raw features together. So this video talks a bit about it and whether you should or not.
In case you missed it: New Features in Lightroom Video (Click Here)
In case you missed it: New Features in Photoshop Video (Click Here)

I went ahead and bought Topaz Photo AI on your recommendation. I can run it in a standalone mode, but can’t seem to get it to work like a plug on from LightRoom (LRc). It looks like its doing something because I’m getting a lot of messages in the upper left corner of the Lightroom screen. It says its making all sorts of files, but nothing seems to happen. Am I just being impatient?
Hi Bob. It should open like it does in my videos. If it doesn’t there are no settings so you may have to contact Topaz support. Thanks.
Mat how can I move seamlessly from Lightroom to Photoshop and back again?
As the Denoise done in Camera Raw would be part of the XMP sidecar file, I would have hoped for the denoised image to be visible inside Lightroom Classic. I tried by opening the RAW file directly in CR to do the Denoising. When saved, I opened the file inside Lightroom Classic, but I do only see the originalnot-denoised picture.
Very helpful video.
Thanks useful Information.
Thanks for taking the time to answer the question and reduce the “drama” about the Technology Previews on Camera Raw not currently on LR. As always : your explanations and video are clear and very very helpful. I’m in agreement with you that changing the LR workflow doesn’t accomplish a lot bc, either way, there will still be 2 files of the same image. Sincerest thanks for ALL you do Matt!
just watched the noise hack tutorial- well done.
I probable will, as you suggested, stick with my old workflow. Most of the time I delete the original file and keep the dng- nr version.
my question. I use the hack, do noise reduction in PSC and how have tiff back in LR.
What if I want to modify the NR again. Do I open the smart object in ps, move denoise slider and save again in LR? Or open on LR, edit in ps – which option. original, as SO, etc?
move slider in PS then save to LR?
simply said. how would I modify the new NR tiff slider?
Hi Sonny. I’m not sure I fully follow your question but I’d give it a try and see if it works.
Thank-you so much! Brilliant solution. This approach, and your informed demonstration, clears up a workflow issue resulting from the recent updates and that I did not understand how the tech-preview in ACR differed from LrC.
Zdravím Matte! Zase jsem se něco přiučil, jako vždy!
Thanks Matt. Appreciate your efforts.
Thanks Matt. Sounds like wise advice, as usual. I’ll wait for a stable, integrated release.
Bravo! Good sensible approach to stay in Lightroom.
Thanks for the clear and concise discussion. As primarily a LR user, I appreciate your recommendation.
Thanks for clarifying the interactions between LR and PS and noting the tradeoffs. Kudos to the FAQ also, Matt
Matt, why not use the ACR feature available in PS filter?
We beat this up the other night in my Lightroom Special Interest Group. While it’s nice to be able to adjust the deNoise AFTER enhancing, here are the downsides:
* Resulting file from ACR (TIF or PSD, but no access to DNG) is 4x+ the size of the resulting LR/ACR DNG file (HUGE files)
* Can’t batch process ACR files the way you can with LR/ACR (I sort by metadata and do this all the time for high ISO images)
* No real improvement in time to process either way
My group decided that LR/ACR is still (currently) a better option