Well, the latest Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop updates have been out for a few days now and I’ve received hundreds of questions on them. I do have several videos on the Lightroom updates, as well as the Photoshop updates. But not everyone has the time to watch all of the videos. So I gathered some of the most common ones and created a massive FAQ list here. Hopefully it helps you with a question you may have had.
Also, please watch the video on this page after you read through this if you have specific “update” questions. It shows how to get the latest updates through the Creative Cloud updater.
One more thing… my new Lightroom Masking and Brush Deep Dive has been a MASSIVE hit. If you haven’t seen it yet, make sure you visit the page.

Now… on the the FAQ…
I try to open the latest version of Photoshop but I don’t see the new features?
Okay, so Photoshop may or may not remove the older version depending on your settings in your Creative Cloud updater. If it does not, and you have a link or shortcut to Photoshop, then you are most likely opening the old version. Look in the top title bar and the new version should read “Photoshop 2022”. Camera Raw should read “Camera Raw 14”. If they don’t, then you are using the older version and should look at the video I mention above, or contact Adobe. Please do not post a comment here as me or anyone else can’t help you get your latest versions.
Lightroom is a little different. When you install the new version it actually replaces the older version so you won’t have to uninstall anything.
Should I uninstall older versions?
Yes it is safe to uninstall older versions. You can do this through the Creative Cloud updater.
What is the correct version of Photoshop and why are older versions there?
The correct new version of Photoshop is version 23 (named Photoshop 2022). If you see Photoshop V22.0…something.. then that is the older version of Photoshop. Since not everyone updates or is able to update, you may see an older version in your CC updater. There is no need to update this version if you can install V23. You don’t need to update this first, to install the newer version.
When in doubt… always install the biggest number 🙂 That is the current version.
Is it safe to delete older Lightroom Catalogs once I’ve installed the new version?
Yes, you can delete old catalogs after the upgrade. Just be sure you delete ones you know you have upgraded and don’t need anymore? How do you know? Open them and check… there’s no magic bullet.
I don’t see the new masking stuff on older photos I’ve processed in Lightroom?
If you edit an older photo in Lightroom Classic or ACR and you go to the Masking tools and don’t see all of the same adjustment sliders that I have, it means you’re using an older “Process Version”. Just to to the Calibration panel and you’ll see Process Version as one of the options. Make sure that one reads the highest number possible (Should be Process Version 5). I’m not going to explain exact what process version is, but it’s a good (and very boring topic) Google search topic if you want to learn more.
If I see a Lightroom video on the new masking changes, how does it apply to Adobe Camera Raw (ACR)?
While the interface is slightly different, the changes and settings are exactly the same. If you see a LR video you should easily be able to make the leap to how to do these things in Adobe Camera Raw.
Are all of these new changes on the mobile and iPad versions?
Yes, these changes are also on the mobile versions of Lightroom (cloud version). The only thing that’s not there is the “Intersect” feature.
Camera Raw makes it really hard to see Brush presets and their names? Is this normal?
On Windows it seems the area that displays these things is very small. There is no fix for this.
Why is it so hard to install Brush and Gradient Presets in Lightroom and Camera Raw?
I wish I knew! Trust me, as a content creator I dislike it as much or more than you. It keeps my customer support team extremely busy :-/
One suggestion is to rename the presets. It may help, but the field is still really small.
Can I now replace a sky in Lightroom?
No. The Select Sky option selects the sky so you can make an adjustment to it. The adjustments we can make to it are the same as they’ve always been (brighter, darker, change color, etc…). You cannot replace a sky in LR and will still need Photoshop for this.
It seems like Lightroom is trying to be Photoshop with all of these Layer enhancements. Is this true?
I disagree. I don’t think it’s trying to be Photoshop at all. While we call these masking changes and the settings they create “Layers”, it’s not a layer like we have in Photoshop where you can add images, text, etc… The layer concept in the Masks panel is just there to help you manage multiple adjustments. Before this we had these little gray dots on the image and they were often hard to see. In a way, they were layers, but just a poor visual implementation of them. Now we have a panel for local adjustments (AKA Masks) and honestly, this just brings Lightroom Classic closer to the other raw editors out there (Capture One, ON1, etc…).
Will my plug-ins still work with the new versions?
I only use Topaz plug-ins at this point and they work fine. But you should always check and if you have questions the best thing to do is visit the plug-in website and contact them if you have questions.
What operating system do I need for these new updates?
It’s always best to check with Adobe. (Click Here for Link) You can always fine system requirements on their site or by Googling “Photoshop version 23 system requirements”. Of course if you want to know for other programs you can do the same.
Is it safe to upgrade to the latest Mac or Windows OS?
I can’t answer that for you. Adobe’s system specs will tell you what version is supported. But of course there are many other programs that you use and you’ll have to make that call on your own. I haven’t personally updated (for no other reason that I’ve been busy) so I can’t speak to it but I hear from other people that the updates are fine. Your mileage may vary.
My Creative Cloud Updater says I can’t install these new versions?
Check the previous question above. Sometimes newer versions are not able to be installed on older operating systems.
What will happen to my presets in these new versions?
All of your presets in Lightroom and Photoshop should be carried over. If they are not, you can always go to where ever you got the presets from, re-download them and install them in the new version.
Will these new features be available in the legacy perpetual versions of Lightroom or Photoshop?
No. They are no longer supported by Adobe, and you will not receive future updates to those versions again. Not in this release and not in any future release.
How do I install brush presets in Lightroom or Camera Raw?
If you have my presets they come with install instructions. If you have some one else’s then please visit their site and look for installation instructions for whatever you purchased from them.
I’m thinking of getting a new computer. Do you have recommendations?
First off, I am the least techie person out there when it comes to computers. I turn them on and off and that’s about all I know. I have zero idea what a core is, and I don’t even know how to spell RAM 😉 But from searching around and some research, I wrote an article that talks a little about what certain parts of the computer can help photo editing.
Also, I did order a new MacBook Pro with the new M1 max chips and all that. My existing MacBook Pro is over 5 years old and I’m looking to have something powerful enough to replace my iMac too, so I only have one computer. I have no idea if this setup is good, bad, fast, too much, or too little. I haven’t even gotten it yet. But here’s the specs if you’re interested. I figured go big or go home 🙂
It looks like Lightroom is copying Capture One or Luminar or whoever?
Ugh… I really dislike these questions. Does this mean that we should go back to the first camera that had a LCD on the back and then be upset at all of the other cameras that came after it?
Stop with the whole “this software is copying this software”. Every company in the world (if they’re successful at least) sees what competitors do, evaluates if it’s a good fit for their customers, and implements those features if they are – so they don’t lose customers to competitors.
First off, I don’t use Capture One or Luminar and I don’t want to. Not because I have anything against them. It’s because I don’t want to spend my time switching software back and forth and changing my workflow. I know from being in this industry that the grass is not greener. Every company is going to say they are the best out there – it’s called Marketing 🙂
I like Lightroom and Photoshop and I’m happy there. So I don’t personally care (and I don’t think you should) what features C1 or Luminar, or ON1 or whatever other software you want to mention has. That’s not meant in a harsh way either. I just don’t care because I don’t use their software.
Think of it this way, I have an Apple iPhone. I don’t care or follow what Google does with their photos because I’m happy and not looking to switch. I also drive a Jeep. I don’t care what Nissan does with their cars because I don’t own one and am not in the market for a new car.
So… yes, the layer-like feature in LR Classic is similar to what Capture one had. But one could argue that Capture One tool the layer-like feature from Photoshop which had it 30 years ago right? In short… who cares? 🙂
I like your attitude
I have 2 working stations. I put LR 2022 in the first for testing and kept LR 2020 in the second. Masks did in the 2022 (even simple ones, just a brush) cannot be seen in the older version. Is this normal? I would expect that for the advanced masking not for the simple.
Hi. Yes this is normal. You’re using a new feature in new software, and then trying to view it in an older version which won’t typically work in any software program.
I’m experiencing terrible brush lag in camera raw on my Mac after the recent update. Is there a setting that will alleviate this? The brush works just fine in Photoshop.
As I understand it, you must create a masking layer before you can use the local adjustment adjustment brush tool for instance? Also it seems you cannot invert from within the radial filter, you must do it in the mask?
Hi Patricia – its pretty much like it always was. You always had to create a local adjustment brush to do anything. Now you just have more options to create that local adjustment with. But the functionality is exactly the same – just better. As for the Radial Filter there is an invert on the make layer as well as in the Panel Settings (Top right). Thanks
You must keep and older version of PS (I forget how many versions back; I think 22.x) if you want to do 3D or lighting effects. As far as my experience goes, you a) install the latest PS (which overwrites the previous version) b) go to Creative Cloud>Apps>All Apps>Photoshop>ellipses (the three dots next to the Open circle), then Other versions. Version 22.5.2 is the oldest PS that you can download through CC. Adobe recommends v22.2 or older if you need 3D and lighting.
MattK, you rock.
ref: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/kb/3d-faq.html
I kept the old version of PS when I upgraded to PS 22. When I open the older version(s) I still get the Camera Raw 14 interface, either as a Filter or Converter. Is there a way to get the 13 interface for the older PS versions?
Since the update I am having real issues with “Open as layers in Photoshop” from LR. It seems that Photoshop is automatically doing some sort of align layers thing so that all of the images (except one) are resized like they would be if I did an “Auto Align”. This happens even when I copy an image to be a layer on another. It’s driving me crazy… I do appreciate your info and did purchase the new tutorial for LR but just can’t figure this out.
I have the same issue and cannot find a fix – any updates on that question?
Looking forward to your new course. Last eve I spent several hours working on photos that were in a folder that has been added to a lightroom V11catalog. Today, that entire folder was missing. I brought it back with synchronize, but LR edits are gone. Is this a glitch or something I did??
After the update,, all of the brushes are missing. Any idea where they might be? I hate having to reinstall time and time again.
I have a rather unique situation. Had my laptop in for a hard drive upgrade. The company doing the work failed to do a backup and damaged the existing hard drive which contained my Lightroom catalog. They are currently trying to do a data recovery. If I update Lightroom and they are able to recover my catalog, will it update later, as well. Or should I hold off on the update for now?
I upgraded from a 2011 MacMini to a current MacMini. I was able to get LR Classic up and running but it doesn’t know about images on an external drive. How do I get LR to look for those images and add them to the catalog?
Hi Donald. You get LR to see images on an external the same way you get it to see them on an internal drive (through File > Import). LR doesn’t care where photos are so the process is no different but you do have to import them. It’s a lot to cover in a comment but if you have my Lightroom System course this is covered in detail in the course. Thanks!
The “Select Sky” and the “Select Subject” masks error out on my HP laptop using new version of Lightroom 11. I upgraded the drivers and still got the error. I then adjusted the driver section in Preferences from “auto” to “off’ per Adobe instructions and the Select Sky and Select Subject masks continue to error out.
What I find interesting is Select Sky and Select Subject both work perfectly in the new version of Photoshop.
Disappointing not to be able to use the most hyped features. Especially since I also bought your Masking course.
Have you contacted Adobe tech support?
Not yet. I will try to contact them on Monday. Thanks
Hi Matt,
Well I did contact Adobe support at your suggestion. The “Select Subject” and “Select Sky” now works on my PC after SIX plus hours of Adobe chat room support. Seriously! Four and a half hours on Monday and two plus hours yesterday. I think Lightroom was uninstalled and re-installed six times. The same for Camera Raw – three times. “regitedit” (scary to me) was accessed twice by the Adobe support person. Many new catalogs were created. Oh, I should say that most of this was done by the support tech accessing my machine.
Tech support finally got Select Subject/Sky to work after creating a new user and giving it max Admin access. Only then did the full Mask work on my Windows 10 machine. That meant full Admin privileges’ had to be given to my account and to associate them with all Adobe products. After the first session the “select’ features worked.
After closing our session I noticed that Camera Raw was missing from Creative Cloud. Thus the second call. More access to my computer. At one point the tech rep decided that the best solution was to uninstall all Adobe products and do a complete re-install. That done, Camera Raw re-appeared. Yeah.
All of my photos are accessible and both Lightroom and Photoshop seem to work. I did lose my watermarks and had to re-create them and I had to re-attach the Topaz plug-ins.
I will close by saying that the Adobe techs were all professional, dedicated and patient when I did not understand their requests. But, it was a painful six hours.
The bottom line with the Mask issue is that it seems to be related to Windows machines and an Admin access problem.
Hope you get a chance to see this. Now back to your tutorial.
I’m glad you found a solution to this! I’m experiencing the same exact thing with my hp laptop and will be contacting support now too.
Do you think Show Edit Pins – Auto is working the way it should with radial and linear masks? You can’t auto hide the mask outline along with toggling show/hide mask. When you move the mouse away from the mask panel it properly hides the mask outlines. But when you want to use the show/hide button on a mask layer, the outline is always on. It doesn’t matter if you relocate or dock the mask panel farther from the image area. The only way to hide the outline when toggling show/hide mask is to set the Show Edit Pins to Never. Does this bother anyone else or am I missing a setting?
Hi. Can’t you just move your cursor off the image and it won’t display anything?
If you want to toggle one mask on/off to quickly see the effect, the outline is always there unless you also move the cursor far enough away from the “eye” toggle button to get rid of the outline. Or set the display mode to Never. I guess it’s a minor annoyance to me only in that situation 🙂 On the other hand, the fact that you can now toggle single adjustments on/off is fantastic! Everything about the new masking system is fantastic. I also like the interactive feather adjustment on radial grads – if that was there before I never noticed it.
I have found the update has slowed down LR Classic appallingly, has anyone else got this problem??? wheels of death everywhere on my iMac
Yes – And I am using a Dell and a window 10 machine. LR often throws errors when I try and use the new functions “select sky” . I will try and contact Adobe next week as I have found NO ONE else on the internet who seems to be having problems except for this comment.
Select sky is appalling slow for me. I did check my graphics card in preferences and it is set correctly.
Its been faster than ever for everyone I talk to. Double check your graphics card preferences to see that nothing got reset by accident.
Are you limited to one selection per image at a time? If I have 3 separate objects that I want to select and edit similarly, can I do that at the same time?
Hi Matt
It looks like Lightroom is copying Capture One or Luminar or whoever?
Love your response – you can ‘look around’ forever – whilst not ‘doing’ anything.
(PS I still often refer back to your (now) old book on Layers 🙂 )
Hi Matt ! In mobile, Do you export your photos to CC first before moving them to the other devices? I normally just export and didn’t realize that thisaction according to Lisa Carney”s “mobile Magic. She explains that she uses this as a as a back up. Does this make sense to you? Thanks in advance.
When I used the ON1 Effects masking tool, which is similar to the new Lightroom masking, I often used the Dynamic Contrast filter on a selection. Is there a way to achieve this effect in Lightroom?
Thanks for this, Matt, and for your course on the update. I’d probably not used these new tools otherwise.
Love your new course as well as the new LR upgrade. However, I’m having a problem with the new selective adjustments{Granuated filter, Brush, and Radial filter] When I try to use these, the adjustments are made globally. I’ve tried numerous times to find a solution, but no luck. As this is the heart of the new upgrade, it’s very frustrating. BTW, it is the same with PS.
I have two catalogs in LR and both have been upgraded to the new version. Trying to merge them but nothing happens so I am in the process of exporting my upgraded catalog and when that completes, will try and merge. Are you aware of any issues?
In Photoshop, when I hover Object Tracking over the the object, I’m not getting the color shading. When I click on the object, it makes the selection fine. Anyone having this same issue?
Hi… Check the gear icon for preferences for the tool options up top.
The Neural Filters I saw in a couple presentations on Adobe Max included Photo Restoration, which excites me. But when I open the Neural Filters in my updated version of Photoshop, it’s not there. Any thoughts?
Is it safe to delete the old LR Classic Catalog, after upgrading to LRC v11?
Yes. Great question…You can delete old catalogs.
Matt, It seems like the update option “Import previous settings” is now gone for the apps.
This must have been missing on my last update because I spent a ridiculous amount of time importing brushes and gradients etc. again. I did notice that if I click on the CC app then the 3 dots next to the Update button and choose older versions and then pick update it gives me that option to import previous settings. (This isn’t a choice on the web page) This worked for Bridge, but not Lightroom. I am not touching Photoshop until I figure out a way to not lose everything again.
For Adobe Camera Raw, it reset all of my settings and deleted my presets. Ugh! I realized that I should have saved my workspace as a named workspace preset (choices like import photos as 16 bit etc.) and maybe it would have carried over. In order to make that custom workspace the default I actually had to change that in PS preferences. Otherwise you have to click the custom workspace everytime you open a photo.
I just thought other people would like to think about that.
If you see the “import previous settings choice” for the update, please say where it is for LR, PS and ACR. Thanks!
Disappointed that Lightroom did not update the Book Module to include the high end Mohawk layflat papers. Great job on your masking deep dive.
Adobe hardly ever makes upgrades to the Book module. When was the last change?
I’ve found this is directly related to how many that use it. They have detailed stats on usage of all features and (sadly in my opinion) people aren’t printing as much. Better features don’t help when people simply don’t want to use it.
Thanks again Matt! Is there anyway to dock the Mask Panel to the right hand side of the Basic Panel?
Although I only use Photoshop the Mask Deep dive course is perfect! My question after reading the FAQ list is – Are there brush presets in Camera Raw?
Hi Mat!
Do you know a way to fool Lightroom to select another object than it does per default? I tried to crop out the objekt, in Lightroom, that Lightroom selected at first and then used the select object. But that doesn’t fool Lightroom. ?
Hi Jani. No there is not a way to do this.
Thanks Matt!
That’s a pity.
Take care and keep up your great work!
Jani, just fyi, there is a way to do that in Photoshop if you use that program also. Joel Baer from Adobe
discussed how to do this at Adobe Max in his talk about new features.
Thank you RP! I really appreciate that!