Photoshop Custom Adjustment Presets (New Feature)

Photoshop Custom Adjustment Presets (New Feature)

Adjustment Layers in Photoshop are one of the most useful features we have. Well, recently. Adobe added a new setting which lets you create your own custom Adjustment Layer groups. So if you have some favorite settings (or multiple favorite adjustment layers and...
Adding Light and Mood and Blur to a Dark Photo

Adding Light and Mood and Blur to a Dark Photo

Welcome back to another Photo Makeover. This week I’m using a photo submitted by Ken McClure (thanks Ken!). The photo presents a great opportunity to add some light to it as well as use the (recently) new Lens Blur adjustment. Enjoy! Find out more about...

FAQ on Lightroom

Here’s an FAQ on a lot of questions I’ve been getting. Also, the video below is just a video version of it. They both contain the same questions. Thanks! Q. Adobe seems to be pushing us to the cloud. Is that right? A. Not sure how that’s the case....

I Screwed Up Yesterday

Hi all. I woke up today and had a realization about my email yesterday.  I totally screwed up!  See, I sent out an email with a pretty bold message about saying goodbye to Lightroom Classic. But in the same email I talked about a mini course I had about...

Lightroom Myths and Misconceptions

Hey there! I just released Episode 9 of my Frame of Mind Photography Podcast. Episode 8 Topic – Is Photography an Art or Not? In Episode 9, Brian Matiash joins me once again. This week, we chat about misconceptions and myths around Adobe Lightroom (not Classic). How...

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