
What’s New in Photoshop (Feb 2025 Update)

Adobe added a new feature to Camera Raw this past week and I thought I'd take a few minutes to show you how to use it. Keep in mind this feature...

Adaptive Profiles and What’s New in Lightroom (Feb 2025 Update)

Adobe released a new update to Lightroom (both Lightroom and Lightroom Classic) this week and I wanted to go over the features. The first part of...

Why Content-Aware is Still a Must-Know Photoshop Tool

Hi everyone. While I was editing a photo this week I used a tool that used to be one of my favorites. I actually still use it all of the time, but...
Success! Well… Kind Of

Success! Well… Kind Of

If you read the other day's post (You Have to Start Somewhere), you saw that I posted a photo from an outing on my kayak. I was really trying to get a nice Spoony in flight, but that didn't happen. Well, I didn't get back until 9pm that night. And in spite of the fact...

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Where Did Save As JPG Go in Photoshop

Where Did Save As JPG Go in Photoshop

Really quick... I forgot to mention in the email that I posted some photos from my Eagle photography trip last week. Click here to see them. UPDATE: I found out that Apple made a change to their OS which required Adobe to make this change. So if you're wondering why...

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Amazing Eagle Photography with the Sony Alpha 1

Amazing Eagle Photography with the Sony Alpha 1

Hi all. I just got back from a trip to Washington state for some amazing eagle photography and I wanted to share some of the story and photos. Planning the Trip A couple of months ago, my buddy Blake Rudis (f64academy.com) and I were talking about taking a photo trip....

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You Have to Start Somewhere

You Have to Start Somewhere

I've had this idea for some time now. Sort of starting a journal in to my bird and wildlife photography. While it may seem sudden to some of you that I've been doing this type of photography, it's actually been about 5-6 years now - my first trip to Costa Rica in 2016...

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What’s New in ON1 Photo Raw 2021.5

Every year around this time, ON1 Photo Raw gets a big "dot 5" update which is free for existing users of that version. So I thought I'd take a few minutes to give you a quick overview of what's new. As always, for more details information check out the ON1 website for...

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What’s New in Topaz DeNoise AI 3.1?

I recently made a video talking about how I've moved my Noise Reduction (and some sharpening) over to Topaz's plug-ins. Well, they just released an update to DeNoise AI so I wanted to take a few minutes to show you what's new in the latest version. Enjoy! Save 15%...

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Coming Clean on What I Really Do With My Photos

Recently I had a MAJOR revelation about photography and what most people enjoy about it. It's something that, as I think back over the years, people have been telling me over and over again in subtle ways - but I never paid attention. Lately, as I was creating my...

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My First 4 Weeks with the Sony Alpha 1

It's been about a month since I got the Sony a1 (Alpha 1) camera and I wanted to give my first thoughts on it. I'll start off by saying I've never had a bigger smile on my face after shooting with a camera than this one. For some one like me, a wildlife and landscape...

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